


出刊日期:September, 2016

臺灣能源密集度變化趨勢分析-多層級因素 分解應用
Taiwan's Changing Energy Intensity Trend - A Multilevel Index Decomposition Analysis
Wei-Hong Hong, Fu-Kuang Ko
過去臺灣能源密集度的趨勢研究著重於應用單階層的因素分解,探討總產業結構效果及總密集 度效果變化趨勢,多以製造業為主,少有不同層級及部門間產業的密集度效果與結構效果的比較。 故本研究利用多層級因素分解法(Multilevel Index Decomposition Analysis),分析臺灣的產業結構轉 型,克服了傳統單階層分解法只能得到不同層級結構效果互相抵銷後的結果,而難以細究不同層級 間的產業轉型的影響,也探討各產業能源密集度變動的幅度對總能源密集度變化的貢獻度,並納入 住宅部門與近年來大幅興起的三角貿易的影響。實證結果發現在2002年到2014年之間,我國能源密 集度持續改善,主要改善原因是來自於各產業自身能源密集度的改善,以部門別區分,依序為工 業、運輸與住宅部門;在工業部門內,尤其以電子零組件業、基本金屬以及石油及煤製品製造業貢 獻最大。而產業結構朝向高科技產業轉型與三角貿易大幅擴張對臺灣整體的能源密集度改善貢獻有 限,最後在密集度效果邊際效益分析中,發現未來短期改善化學材料製造業、陸上運輸業以及住宅 的能源密集度,對我國整體能源密集度改善有重大的影響,建議可重點式的加強改善,長期而言要 減緩對能源密集產業的依賴,才可進一步達成政策目標。
There are many studies focusing on tracking Taiwan energy intensity from top-down in the past, but almost all the studies lacked of finer comparison among different level due to using single-level decomposition. Therefore, in order to elaborately research structure effect and intensity effect at different level, this study uses multilevel-hierarchical index decomposition analysis based on Shapley/Sun method to analyze the trend of Taiwan's changing energy intensity (EI) from 2002 to 2014. The influence of Residential Sector and triangular trade on the total EI trend is also included in the study. The results show that total EI decreasing over the past few years in Taiwan is mainly due to the effect of “pure EI change” excluding the structure effect, including Industrial Sector, Transport Sector, Residential Sector and etc. We also find that Electronic Parts Manufacturing, Basic Metal Industries, Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing are major subsectors contributed to the pure industrial EI change. However, triangular trade and structural change effect make little contribution to the total EI change due to high-tech oriented policy. In the sensitivity analysis, the study found that government should not only focus on improving energy efficiency of high energy-consuming industry but also keep tracking high-EI industry and supervising its energy efficiency improvement. In addition, the GDP structure should be transformed from Industry Sector to Service Sector, Service-oriented Manufacturing Industry and other low-EI industry, so that the total EI will continue to improve to meet the policy target.
Multilevel Index Decomposition Analysis, Energy Intensity, Industry Structure