


出刊日期:June, 2020 / 點閱數:4975次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 王人謙、胡均立 Ren-Chain Wang, Jin-Li Hu A-0 409
2 「綠能發展的理論與實踐」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Theory and Practice of Green Energy Development」 臺灣能源期刊編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 431
3 我國綠電轉供模擬與探討 Simulation and Discussion on Green Power Wheeling in Taiwan 王京明、莊景勝 King-Min Wang, Ching-Sheng Chuang 99-118 4915
4 從跨國生產及消費之碳含量檢視汙染避難所假說是否成立 Carbon Content in Production and Consumption and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: An Inter-Industry Input-Output Analysis 林晉勗、曾琳芝、張桂鳳、林師模 Jin-Xu Lin, Lin-Chih Tseng, Kuei-Feng Chang, Shih-Mo Lin 119-132 662
5 離島微電網分散式能源與儲能容量配比研究 Capacity Planning of Distributed Generators and Energy Storage System for an Offshore Island Microgrid 李奕德、姜政綸、章俊隆、劉力源、張永瑞 Yih-Der Lee, Jheng-Lun Jiang, Chun Lung Chang, Li-Yuan Liu, Yung-Ruei Chang 133-145 1819
6 居家智慧環控風扇設計與熱舒適度調節效能評估 Smart DC Fan Design and Evaluation Based on Thermal Comfort 吳孝原、劉芳聿、胡志堅 Hsiao-Yuan Wu, Fang-Yu Liu, Chih-Chien Hu 147-162 1226
7 以計算流體力學模式與光達數據進行風場案例分析 A Wind Farm Case Study by the Computational Fluid Dynamics Model and LiDAR Data 陳銘宏 Ming-Hong Chen 163-180 563
8 企業溫室氣體管理績效探討與盤查標準改版研析 Discussion and Analysis on the Greenhouse Gas Management Performance of Enterprises and Transfer of the Greenhouse Gas Standard 呂冠霖、李育明 Guan-Lin Lu, Yuh-Ming Lee 181-195 5373