


出刊日期:June, 2021 / 點閱數:4174次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 王人謙, 胡均立 Ren-Chain Wang, Jin-Li Hu A-0 259
2 「臺灣能源系統淨零排放之政策、技術與經濟分析」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Policy, Technology and Economic Analysis of Net Zero Emissions in Taiwan’s Energy System」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 290
3 外氣空調箱循環熱回收探討 Discussion on Run-around Heating Recovery of Make-up Air Unit 周春合 Chun-Ho Chou 93-104 3306
4 地熱井抽注影響範圍研究:以臺灣清水地熱礦區為例 Study on the Influence Area of Geothermal Injection/ Production Wells: Case Study of Cingshui Geothermal Field 謝秉志、曾紹宇、魏柏丞、李伯亨、劉力維、蔣立為、韓吟龍 Bieng-Zih Hsieh, Shao-Yu Zeng, Bo-Cheng Wei, Bo-Heng Lee, Li-Wei Liu, Li-Wei Chiang, Yin-Lung Han 105-116 1086
5 「電動公車至電網」營運模式成本有效性分析: 以臺北市公車為例 Cost Effectiveness Analysis of “Electric Bus-to-Grid (B2G)” Operation Model: Taking Taipei City Bus as an Example 許志義、郭哲甫、蔡志祥、葉法明 Jyh-Yih Hsu, Che-Fu Kuo, Chih-Hsiang Tsai, Fa-Ming Yeh 117-132 1985
6 離島微電網經濟效益敏感度分析 Sensitivity Analysis of Economic Benefits of Island Microgrids 李奕德、陳思涵、盧思穎、許舒雅、姜政綸 Yih-Der Lee, Ssu-Han Chen, Su-Ying Lu, Shu-Ya Hsu, Jheng-Lun Jiang 133-147 1020
7 由美國能源之星的產品項目探討節能標章可推動 的選擇 Exploration of the Next Choices Included in the Energy Label Product Categories Based on the U.S. Energy Star Program 陳俊宇、羅新衡 Jiun-Yeu Chen, Shin-Hang Lo 149-158 683
8 以機器學習偵測異常狀態:龍井太陽能發電場案例 Detecting False Alarm by Using Machine Learning: Case of Longjing Solar Power Station 許志義、古典家、張志豪、葉法明、陳宗薊 Jyh-Yih Hsu, Tien-Chia Ku, Zhi-Hao Zhang, Fa-Ming Yeh, Chung-Chi Chen 159-182 1605