


出刊日期:March, 2016

再生能源發電設施設置之法律與跨部會協力研析: 以申設離岸式風力發電廠為例
The Legal Framework and Inter-Agency Coordination Analysis of Renewable Energy Development: an Example of Offshore Wind Facilities Construction Application
Jui-Chu Lin, Wei-Ming Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Shen
我國第二期「能源國家型計畫」(National Energy Program Phase II, NEP-II)擇定離岸風力發電、 碳捕獲與封存、地熱及海洋能為具有長程發展潛能之新興能源與減碳技術。然而,推展新科技往往 涉及跨專業領域之配合,並非單一政府部門能單獨處理,故政府各機關單位的政策協調與政策統合 顯得重要與急迫。為增進跨部會溝通效能,本文以離岸風力發電設施之設置流程為檢討對象,將離 岸風力發電之推展應用分為籌設、施工、給照、維運以及除役五個階段,分階段盤點既有法律規範 基礎,釐清各階段之相關主管機關及其行政行為,並彙整申設程序上所遭遇實務問題。另外,透過 檢視申設過程主要行政機關之交互關係及行政行為,探討推動政策統合的可能性。最後,提出跨部 會溝通協商平台規劃方向,透過政府跨部會橋接與溝通機制之建立,排除發展再生能源的阻礙,以 促進再生能源產業發展。
The Taiwanese National Energy Program (Phase II) selected three emerging energy technologies and one carbon mitigation technology as its “four core” technologies to promote, which are offshore wind power, geothermal energy, ocean energy, and carbon capture and storage. Promoting new technologies requires various specialties and cannot be covered by a single government sector. Therefore, interagency cooperation and policy integration are necessary and urgent. To enhance the efficiency of interagency communication, this study reviews the procedure of constructing offshore wind electricity facilities and divides the procedure into five stages, i.e. establishment, construction, permission, operation and maintenance, and decommission. This paper clarifies the legal basis, the competent authority, and the administrative behavior of each stage and identifies the practical problems of construction permit application. In addition, this study discusses the possibilities of enhancing policy coordination through examining the interactions of primary government agencies and their administrative behaviors. Last, this paper suggests revitalizing the current inter-agency communication mechanism, which bridges relevant government agencies, in order to overcome obstacles of renewable energy facilities construction and foster the renewable industry development.
National Energy Project-II, Policy Coordination, Inter-Agency Communication, Renewable Energy, Offshore Wind Power