


出刊日期:March, 2016

Development of Geothermal Energy Regulation and Policy in the U.S.
Yueh-Hsun Tsai, Yu-Hsun Tsai
近年來由於氣候變遷(Climate change)加劇以及化石燃料(Fossil fuel)市場價格波動劇烈,世 界各國積極發展再生能源(Renewable energy)以減緩溫室效應(Global warming)與提高自身國家能源安 全(Energy security)。所謂再生能源係指來自大自然之能源,其特點為可自行再生、且無耗盡之虞, 例如太陽能(Solar Energy)、風能(Wind power)、潮汐能(Tidal power)與地熱能(Geothermal energy)… 等。我國雖未受氣候變化綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)之規範,能源政策規劃仍應兼顧環境與永續發展。此外我國能源多仰賴進口,能源安全 問題有探討之必要。臺灣屬於海島型氣候,位處於環太平火山地震帶(Ring of Fire),擁有豐富的天 然資源,適合發展多樣化的再生能源以達環境永續與能源安全之目標。本文將針對美國地熱能之發 展作介紹,首先說明美國地熱能源發展歷史與現況,接著探討與地熱能源相關之政策及法規,最後 介紹美國最新地熱能源技術示範區之設置與發展。我國與美國同樣位處於環太平洋火山地震帶上, 具有地熱發電之地質特性,故地熱能源可成為多樣化再生能源的目標之一。我國曾於2013年在宜蘭 推動地熱發電,但其成效仍因技術而受到限制,此外目前尚未訂定地熱能源專法,希望透過研析美 國發展地熱能源之經驗解決我國當前地熱能源發展之阻礙,以及作為未來地熱能源發展之參酌。
In recent years, the climate change is becoming worse and the market price of fossil fuel is continue to fluctuate. In order to slow down the Global warming effect and raise up the Energy security, many countries commit to develop renewable energy. The renewable energy means the resources from the nature and it can renew by itself, such as solar energy, wind power, tidal power, geothermal energy… and so on. Though Taiwan did not regulate the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the national energy policy planning should take balance between Environment and Sustainable Development. Furthermore Taiwan depends on the resource from imports, the issue of energy security must be discussed. Taiwan belongs to sea-island countries, located on Ring of fire. Taiwan has potential of developing different kinds of renewable energy for sustainable development and ensure the energy security. This paper introduce the development of geothermal energy in the U.S. The first of this paper is the history of it. The second part talks about the policy and regulations. The last part of this paper introduce the newest technology of the geothermal energy and its demonstration area in the U.S. Taiwan and the U.S. are the countries with plenty of geothermal energy, located on the Ring of Fire. Taiwan once demonstrate geothermal energy in Ilan in 2013, the effect was limited by the technologies. And Taiwan has no specific regulation of geothermal energy. Taiwan can learn how to solve the problems from the experiences of the development of geothermal energy in the U.S.
Renewable energy, geothermal energy, enhanced geothermal system