


出刊日期:September, 2016

以KAYA恆等式分析我國2025年減碳目標之能源 結構策略可行性
Future Energy Structure in Taiwan and the 2025 CO2 Emissions Target- Scenario Analysis Based on Kaya Identity
Chih-Wei Chang, Fu-Kuang Ko, Hui-Chih Chai, Yu-Huan Wu
根據「國家綠能低碳總行動方案」,我國節能目標為每年提高能源效率2%以上,使能源密集 度於2025年相較2005年下降50%以上;減碳目標為全國CO2排放量於2025年回到2000年排放量(208 百萬公噸)。2015年1月召開之全國能源會議中,節能、減碳、各種能源結構方案亦為熱烈討論的議 題,且眾說紛紜,但未見以通盤且簡明的方法,探討不同能源結構策略之可行性。Kaya恆等式為 國際上常用探討二氧化碳排放來源之簡明方法,將二氧化碳排放來源拆解為能源使用、經濟產出及 人口等因子,美國能源情報署(EIA)和國際能源總署(IEA)皆採用此方法分析二氧化碳排放的歷史資 料或情境預測。本研究以指數分解方法分析我國碳排放因子增減之量化貢獻,並以Kaya恆等式分析 在不同經濟成長假設與我國未來能源結構規劃下,能源缺口與低碳能源補足情形,以檢視不同能源 結構策略之可行性。根據本研究分析結果,在高經濟成長的狀況下,減碳目標更為嚴峻,且使用單 一低碳能源補足能源缺口,更是顯得極端且不易實現。在經濟成長與節能、減碳目標相衝突的情況 下,須積極改善能源密集度,抑低能源需求,且多元發展低碳之替代能源,改變能源結構,才能在 預期的經濟成長情況下,兼顧節能與減碳目標。
According to Master Action Plan of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, energy saving target shows that improving energy efficiency by 2% annually, and energy intensity in 2025 would reduce to less than 50% of 2005 levels. Taiwan aims to develop clean energy to reduce nationwide CO2 emission to 2000 levels by 2025. During 2015 Energy Conference, many topics were discussed, such as energy saving, carbon reduction, new energy technologies, various energy structure, but lacking of comprehensive feasibility analysis. Many international studies used Kaya identity to recognize the relationship between socioeconomic, energy efficiency and CO2 emission. This study applied Kaya index decomposition to analyze the contribution of carbon emission. Base on different economic growth and energy structure, this study proposed a simple and transparent methodology to investigate Taiwan’s current policy targets of energy saving and carbon reduction. Then, we discussed the alternative low-carbon energy in different scenarios for filling the energy gap. The results show that the gap cannot be made up with single low-carbon energy in the case of high economic growth. Namely, Taiwan’s carbon reduction target is really difficult to reach. To balance the conflict of economic growth, energy-saving and carbon reduction, this study suggested that Taiwan government should improve energy intensity, reduce energy demand and develop various low-carbon energies.
Kaya identity, Carbon reduction target, Energy saving target, Energy structure