


出刊日期:September, 2016

Analysis of External Cost of Health Impact for Taiwan Power Plants
Meng-I Liao, Hwong-Wen Ma, Meng-Ying Lee, Ming-Lung Hung, Pei-Hao Li
在歐盟能源外部性(ExternE)系列計畫中的CASES計畫顯示,火力發電的健康衝擊為能源外部 成本之主要來源,因此本研究針對火力發電階段進行健康衝擊外部成本評估,在方法學上採用衝擊 路徑法估算火力發電之健康衝擊與外部成本,評估的污染物包括PM10、SO2、NOx、Dioxin、Cd、 As、Cr(VI)與Ni等,健康衝擊考量之疾病類別包含慢性致死、限制活動天數(含工作損失天數)、慢 性支氣管炎、支氣管擴張、下呼吸道、充血性心臟衰竭、心血管疾病-住院診療、呼吸系統-住院診 療與致癌等。比較各機組之健康衝擊單位外部成本,以燃油機組所造成之單位健康衝擊外部成本最 高,其次為燃煤機組,再其次為燃氣機組。在污染物的貢獻方面,燃煤機組與燃氣機組以NOx所造 成的外部成本貢獻最大,燃油機組則以SO2所造成的外部成本貢獻最大;相對於傳統空氣污染物, 戴奧辛與重金屬於各機組之外部成本貢獻非常小。本研究並以2025年機組更新後之單位外部成本與 2014年發電基準比較,以更新後之燃氣機組為例,研究結果顯示,燃氣機組隨著機組更新發電效率 之提升確實能有效地降低外部成本。
The CASES program originated from Externalities of Energy (ExternE) plan highlights the thermal power generation dominates the main contribution of the external cost of energy. This article focuses on the calculation of health impact external costs caused by the thermal power generation using the Impact Pathway Approach (IPA). The target pollutants emission from the power station consist of PM10, SO2, NOx, Dioxin, Cd, As, Cr(VI) and Ni, with concerned health-impact categories of long-term mortality, restricted activity days, chronic bronchitis, bronchodilator, lower respiratory tract disease, congestive heart failure, cardiovascular disease(hospitalization), respiratory system(hospitalization) and carcinogenicity. The result of health impact assessment demonstrates the priority of unit external cost as oil-fired power generation, coal-fired power generation and gas-fired power generation in sequence. In terms of air pollutants, the main contributor of external cost of coal-fired power generation and gas-fired power generation is NOx, while SO2 makes the largest contribution of external cost in the oil-fired power generation. On the contrary, dioxin and heavy metals make less contribution of external cost in the thermal power generation. In addition, the comparison of unit external cost of 2014 generation baseline with 2025 context simulation for the different power generators, this paper illustrates that renewing gas-fired power generators facilitates the reduction of unit external cost effectively.
external cost, health impact, thermal power generation, Impact Pathway Approach