


出刊日期:December, 2016

Development of PMCP Tracer Technique for Monitoring Carbon Storage in Taiwan
Kuo-Wei Huang, Li-Wei Chiang, Chi-Wen Liao, Shoung Ouyang
近年來全氟化物已有用於二氧化碳封存之示蹤劑監測之成功案例,本研究之目的在於發展全氟化物示蹤劑技術之施放、採樣及檢測技術,並驗證本技術於本土環境之可行性。本研究之技術驗證平台位於臺灣北部之枯竭氣場(Depleted gas field),主要由三口淺地層地下水試驗井所組成。經評估後,本研究採用全氟甲基環己烷 (perfluoromethylcyclopentane, PMCP)作為示蹤劑,並同步監測土壤二氧化碳濃度、地下水質作為比對依據。為了驗證於淺地層環境中偵測潛在二氧化碳洩漏之可能性,本研究將二氧化碳氣體與示蹤劑混合後,於封塞(Pack-off)狀態下置入試驗井,並於地面佈置金屬管進行土壤氣體與示蹤劑採樣,瞭解示蹤劑隨二氧化碳遷移行為之時空變化。為了進一步掌握示蹤劑之遷移特性,本研究亦於實驗室內進行管柱試驗,模擬二氧化碳與示蹤劑於淺地層環境的移棲動態,與實驗數據進行比對。在示蹤劑監測技術驗證部分,本研究採用吸附管採樣法,建立自動進樣系統及連續分析程序,提高監測及分析效率。本研究成果顯示,在置入二氧化碳一週內,可於距離置入井10 m處,檢測到PMCP之明顯訊號變化,土壤二氧化碳濃度亦可提供佐證,與實驗室模擬管柱實驗結果亦相符,實證PMCP示蹤劑應用於臺灣之可行性,並可為進行二氧化碳封存監測提供快速且可靠之選項。
PFCs tracers (Perfluorocarbon tracers) have been successfully applied for the monitoring of carbon storage in recent years. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the deployment, sampling, and measurement techniques for PFCs tracer monitoring technology in domestic environment. Our technology validation platform which consists of three shallow groundwater test wells located at a depleted gas field in northern Taiwan. Perfluoromethylcyclopentane (PMCP) was chosen as our primary tracer based on evaluation results. Soil gas CO2 concentration, groundwater chemistry data were also collected for reference of Carbon dioxide and PMCP tracer were mixed and released in a pack-off groundwater well to validate the feasibility to detect possible leakage in shallow environment. Metal tubes were deployed in surface to sample soil gas and PMCP tracer for understanding temporal and spatial variation of tracer with carbon dioxide. To further grasp the trend of tracer migration and validate the experimental data, this study also conducted column test in the laboratory that mimic shallow environment. The PMCP monitoring technique is then validated by utilizing sorbent tube sampling and construction of automatic sample feeding and continuous analysis system. Results of this study shown that significant PMCP signals were detected within the distance of 10 meter of release well in one week. The observation was also confirmed by soil CO2 concentration and stable isotope measurement and comparable to column test result. Our study has validated the feasibility of utilizing PFCs tracer in Taiwan and provide a fast and precise monitoring option for geological storage.
CO2 monitoring, Sorbent tube, Perfluorocarbon tracers, Geological Storage