


出刊日期:December, 2016

An Evaluation of Green Geothermal Energy and the Comparison with Recent Successful Cases in the World
Shou-Cheng Wang, Yung-Song Chen, Chung-Cheng Chang, Duu-Hwa Lee, Ching-Ta Chuang, Chao-Shing Lee
地熱能是再生能源中的基載電力(Base-load power)選項之一,目前普遍型地熱系統(Conventional Geothermal System, CGS)1對環境生態影響(Ecosystem impacts)及人體健康影響(Human health impacts)是所有綠色能源中最低者,並兼具分散式發電(Distributed generation)及基載電力的特性,是國內「能源轉型」極佳的替代能源選項。初步評估臺灣的地質條件,僅有北部大屯火山群具有容易探勘的火山型地熱(Volcanic field type),在其他地質條件的地熱區則須引進適當探勘技術降低風險,國內在技術經驗階段,可從國際成功經驗學習有效的步驟策略。在2010到2015年間,全球地熱發電有快速的成長,有多國5年內成長超過300 MWe,表示我國規劃2025年成長至600 MWe為可行目標。德國至今發展地熱發電近10年,無任何計畫造成環境或法律爭議,因此地熱發電計畫未進行環境影響評估。以國內艱鉅的「非核家園」目標而言,應盡早與國際資訊接軌擬訂可行策略,例如參考先進國家優先建立科學管理專法、公開地熱探勘資料庫、躉售電價多元設計等規範。短期而言可吸引國際級專業團隊與國內企業合作發展地熱發電產業,活絡外商投資及能源產業發展,以降低環境風險較高的進口能源使用比例;長期而言可促進臺灣社會資本投入「低碳經濟」的友善環境建設,以地熱多元利用的「循環經濟」方式降低氣候變遷調適的社會成本。
Geothermal power is one of the base-load renewable energy and is not affected by weather. For green energy choices, conventional geothermal system (CGS) has become the most friendly one as for ecosystem impacts and human health impacts, and also demonstrates as distributed generation resource which display a critical alternative for upcoming “Energy Transition” in Taiwan. The recent exploration and assessment of geothermal resources present that Tatun volcanic area is approachable volcanic field type, the other non-volcanic field type areas where advanced technologies and professional teamwork are essential for mitigating risks. Taiwan is wandering in the initial stage of geothermal development, therefore, it’s important to learn from other successful cases is the world. Especially, 600 MWe of geothermal power before 2025 is a proven goal for Taiwan. There are a few boosting cases grow more than 300 MWe during 2010-2015; in German, more than 5 times geothermal power from 2010 to 2016, and no environment dispute happened thus no necessity for environment impact assessment (EIA). To reach the destination of “nuclear-freestate”, we must bridge the gap of strategy and information in geothermal energy as soon as possible. Establishing regulations based on scientific consensus, free-accessible database of geothermal exploration, multi-objective financial support system are the most efficient strategies to mitigate risks and boost the market as well as strengthen the local technology and experience. It can be forecasted that triggering geothermal power will attract foreign and local investment to energy infrastructure in short term, decrease imported energy dependence and reduce environment risks. For long term benefits, it will improve social capitals to involve environmental-friendly infrastructure and build up “low-carbon economy”. For climate change adaptation issue, geothermal utilization will keep the social cost down drastically with “circular economy”. Keywords:
conventional geothermal system, energy transition, nuclear free homeland, push strategy, environmental benefit