


出刊日期:June, 2019

Economic Benefit Analysis of Business Models for the Electric Scooter: Sharing Economy vs. Battery Rental
Jyh-Yih Hsu, Chen-Ting Yu
近年來,電動車與電動機車之新興商業模式已逐漸改變傳統汽機車市場版圖。本文旨在探討傳統燃油機車相對於電動機車新興商業模式,對於參與者(即機車使用者)及整體都會區之淨現值與益本比,建立量化模型評估機車使用者每月平均騎乘不同里程數之敏感度分析,使用者與整體都會區分別於「Gogoro的電動機車電池租賃之商業模式」及「WeMo Scooter的共享電動機車商業模式」,相對於傳統125 C.C.燃油機車之經濟效益分析。實證結果顯示,在參與者檢定中,使用電動機車成本依舊大於傳統125 C.C.燃油機車之成本,且「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較長之使用者,而「共享電動機車商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較短之使用者。此外,敏感度分析結果顯示,在「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」下,騎乘里程長度與淨現值(Net Present Value, NPV)及益本比(Benefit Cost Ratio, BCR)均呈現正相關。在「共享電動機車商業模式」下,每個月騎乘里程為100公里之使用者,在共享電動機車計價方式為每分鐘2.25元之方案下,參與者之NPV > 0及BCR > 1,並且騎乘里程越短之使用者,其對共享電動機車計價變動的益本比敏感程度越高。從整體都會區觀點,利用「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」替換傳統125 C.C.燃油機車且騎乘里程越高之使用者,對整體都會區帶來之淨現值越高。而利用「共享電動機車商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越低之使用者,越具有經濟效益。
In recent years, the development of electric vehicles and electric scooters have become more and more popular. In Taiwan, where fossil fuel scooters density is very high, the emerging electric scooter technology has developed quite differential business models from those of traditional 125 C.C. fossil fuel scooters. Particularly, two of the most common business models of electric scooters are “battery rental business model” and “sharing economy business model”. The purpose of this paper is to use the net present value method and the benefit cost ratio in the cost-benefit analysis, to compare two different types of scooters mentioned above. We analyze the user's net benefits and the overall metropolitan Taipei City net benefits, which are generated from the scooter users replacing 125 C.C. fossil fuel scooters with electric scooters. For application of electric scooters, this paper analyzes two business models, i.e., “Gogoro electric scooter battery rental” vs. “WeMo Scooter sharing-economy electric scooter”. The empirical results show that for the users’ criteria, the cost of electric scooters is higher than the cost of traditional 125 C.C. fossil fuel scooters. “Electric scooter battery rental business model” is more suitable for people who have higher accumulated driving distance per month, and “Sharing-economy electric scooter business model” is more suitable for people who have fewer accumulated driving distance per month. On the other hand, according to the result of sensitivity analysis, the accumulated driving distance is positively correlated with NPV and BCR in the “Electric scooter battery rental business model”. In the “Sharing-economy electric scooter business model”, those who ride 100 km per month have NPV > 0 and BCR > 1 at the pricing of NTD$2.25 per minute. Besides, those who ride at least 100 km per month are more sensitive to the pricing. For the overall metropolitan criteria, those who use the “Electric scooter battery rental business model” to replace the traditional 125 C.C. fossil fuel scooter and have higher accumulated driving distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole metropolitan. Those who use the “Sharing-economy electric scooter business model” to replace the traditional 125 C.C. fossil fuel scooter and have fewer accumulated driving distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole metropolitan.
Electric scooters, Battery rental business model, Sharing economy, Net present value, Benefit-cost ratio, Carbon price.