


出刊日期:December, 2019

Evaluation of Electrical Energy Storage Requirements for Renewable Energy Policy in Taiwan
Chen Jong-Shun, Chang Yao-Jen, Cho Chin-Ho
本研究運用Python結合PuLP求解模組編譯與運跑我國電力系統整合資源規劃模型的最佳化運算程式,該模型為混合整數線性規劃技術之應用,並涵蓋我國電力系統中全部的現有發電機組(廠),可用於求解我國至2050年的最適電力供需策略,以及各種新發電機組的最佳建置排程規劃。因應我國未來將投入大量間歇性再生能源之情勢,電力系統勢必須要提供足夠的電力輔助服務,儲能系統是電力系統相當重要的輔助服務技術。因此,本研究將運用整合資源規劃模型先完成我國至2025年的再生能源最適發展策略研擬,再評估電力系統達成再生能源政策時的儲能系統需求量。本研究分別設計電網儲能、太陽光電儲能系統、陸域風力儲能系統、離岸風力儲能系統等四種技術供模型選擇,研究結果顯示各類儲能系統至2025年的累積需求量分別約為145 MW、895 MW、87 MW及885 MW,而全部儲能系統累計將須建置2,012 MW。新增之太陽光電、陸域風力及離岸風力若須搭配儲能進行供電,電力市場將會減少陸域風力發電機組的投資,再生能源於2025年的發電配比相對無須搭配儲能系統將會減少2%;導致2025年燃煤發電配比將會增加2%;2025年的售電成本將會增加5.4%;電力碳排放係數將增加2.6%。本研究最後建議政府相關單位應儘快評估再生能源發展對於電價的衝擊影響,並提出因應的策略,以及重新檢視我國的電力減碳目標推估是否過於樂觀。
This study compiled and run a computer program of the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) model by the Python with PuLP solver. Mathematical functions of the IRP model was constructed by mixed integer linear programming. It covers all existing power generators or plants in Taiwan’s power system. Users can use the IRP model to solve the optimal power supply and demand strategy and generation expansion scheme to 2050. The power system has to provide sufficient electrical energy storages (ESS) as ancillary service in response to deploy numerous intermittent renewable energy generators in the future. This paper employed the IRP model to project the optimal expansion strategy for renewable energy and requirements for ESS from base year to 2025. This study designed four ESS technologies, including storages form power grid, PV power plants, onshore wind power plants and offshore wind power plants. The results showed that power system has to respectively deploy 145 MW of ESS for power grid, 895 MW of ESS for PV power plants, 87 MW of ESS for onshore wind power plants and 885 MW of ESS for offshore wind power plants before 2025, and total ESS requirements are nearly 2,012 MW. The electricity market will decrease the investments to new onshore wind generators in the future. Therefore, power system will cut back 2% of renewable energy but increase 2% of coal-fired electricity, and thus the power cost and carbon emission coefficient will respectively increase 5.4% and 2.6% in 2025. Finally, this study suggests that our government authority has to assess the influence of deployments of renewable energy to the power price and propose effective response strategies as soon as possible. In addition, current decarbonization targets for the power sector may be too optimistic and have to be revised.
Integrated Resource Planning, Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Renewable Energy, Ancillary Service, Electrical Energy Storage