


出刊日期:December, 2021

從綠建築到淨零碳排建築 智慧永續的未來城市
From Green Buildings to Net-Zero Buildings, How Can We Create a Sustainable City
Jack Huang
隨著都市化(urbanization)的發展,各國人口皆有朝向都會區聚集的趨勢,也因此推高了生產、 消費、與各類能源與資源消耗的需求,進一步導致以二氧化碳為主的溫室氣體排放量大增。受目前 國際減碳潮流影響,各國無不致力達成巴黎協議之急迫標準–2050以前控制全球增溫在2度以內。也 因此,如何降低整體城市的碳排放,建構不光是智慧更要永續的生活環境,十分重要。我們分析城 市中人類活動的足跡,超過70%的時間皆處於建築「室內」,故本文以建築生命週期(LC)中的「使 用階段」為探討對象,討論在建築空間中的能耗與碳排情況,以期能從城市規劃的角度,達成淨零 碳排的目標。
The increasing urbanization causes the fact that people move to the mega cities in different regions, as a result, this trend further push the productivity, consuming, energy consumption and the demand of resources. All business-as-usual activities could lead to a dramatically heighten the level of GHG emission, mostly, the carbon dioxide emission. In order to prevent warming beyond 2 degree C by 2050, nations around the world must work together under the guidance of the Paris Agreement. According to studies, cities play an important role on climate change and it’s also critical to reduce GHG emission within cities. Among many discussions on the future cities, we shall not only focus on “smart city” but also emphasizing “sustainable city” in the dialogues. If we look closely on humankinds’ activities in a city, it can find that people spend more than 70% of their time indoors. Thus, the building-related energy consumptions could be one of the major emitters. In this paper, we will focus on the “use stage” of the whole life cycle (LC) of the buildings, analyze their energy consumption, as well as the carbon footprint, and argue the potential solutions for creating the net-zero buildings. Eventually, creating the net-zero city could be possible in the near future.
Sustainable City, Low-Carbon Emission Buildings, Net-Zero Carbon Emission, Zero Heat Emission