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出刊日期:December, 2021
- 題目
- 臺灣推動燃煤電廠進行二氧化碳捕獲利用與封存的挑戰與因應
- Title
- Challenges and Responses of Taiwan's Promoting Coal-fired Power Plants to Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
- 作者
- 吳國禎、林瑞珠、楊秉純
- Authors
- Kuo-Chen Wu, Jui-Chu Lin, Bing-Chwen Yang
- 摘要
- 臺灣正致力於能源轉型與淨零碳排的工程,但困於地窄人稠且有高密集度及高能耗之工業部 門,刻正面臨國際零碳排放及國內穩定供電的兩難。雖然政府積極推動再生能源,但受限於天然資 源的關係,因此仍仰賴進口,目前燃煤發電在短、中期電力供應仍佔有一定比例;為使燃煤發電排 放之二氧化碳(以下簡稱CO2)有妥善處置方案,CO2捕獲、利用與封存 (以下簡稱CCS)成為不可或缺 之技術選項,其中CO2地質封存技術是將CO2以超臨界狀態封存在深部地層中,從而實現永久地質 封存。本文擬先評析德國、美國、日本三國的推動經驗,進而探索國內燃煤電廠推動CCS現況及面 臨問題;然後再從捕獲最新技術發展與碳回收利用提出兩項技術面之建議;同時顧及臺灣推動上可 能遭遇之非技術阻力,從公眾支持與配套政策方面提出具體建議。期望藉由相關分析,拋磚引玉集 思廣益促使更多研究投入探討臺灣在四周環海的優勢下,透過環境評估、政策支持、最新技術、公 眾溝通參與及產業資源投入下,開發適合封存場址,以作為臺灣燃煤電廠及未來發電比重增加之天 然氣發電廠的CO2去處。
- 關鍵字
- 燃煤電廠、二氧化碳捕獲利用與封存、政策、公眾參與
- Abatract
- Taiwan is committed to energy transition and international zero carbon emission initiatives. However, given Taiwan’s narrow area and high population density and rising energy consumption, Taiwan is now caught in a dilemma between carbon emission compliance and the stability of power supply. Although the government is actively promoting renewable energy, however, the shortage of natural resources, the import energy still play a big role in Taiwan’s power system. The coal-fired power plants will contribute most of the power supply in the near future. Given such conditions, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) techniques remain as an integral part of addressing environmental concerns. Of such techniques, CO2 geological storage exists as a technique focused upon the transformation and storage of CO2 at a supercritical state in the underground storage space. This article will focus on the respective implementation of CCS technology and promotion strategy in Germany, United States, and Japan, whilst attempting to capture Taiwan’s own roadblocks in promoting CCS for our thermal power plant. In order to overcome those problems, two technical suggestions are proposed based on the plausibility of circular economy and the possibility of carbon utilization within the capability of our industry. In order to minimize the non-technical resistance, specific policy suggestions are explored and made in accordance with public support and existing policies. We hope that through relevant analysis, the paper could be utilized to encourage further discussion on CCS technologies and policy in Taiwan from different view points, such as environment evaluation, natural resource, etc. to utilize the advantage of being surrounded by the sea and possible storage site in the seashore area. It can reduce our pressure for the development of thermal power plant and meet the goal for 2050 net zero carbon emission.
- Keywords
- Coal-fired Power Plants, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, Policy, Public Engagement