


出刊日期:June, 2022

Feasibility Assessment of the Impact of Sewage Sludge Fuelization Process on Decarbonized Society in Japan
Minhsuan Chen Kazuyuki Oshita
在巴黎協定中制定的「2050 年全球淨零排碳」,因應全球暖化的議題,脫碳社會、碳中和成 為世界各國需要共同努力的目標。在日本,溫室氣體(greenhouse gas, GHG)的排放源以使用化石燃 料等能源消耗為大宗,因此提升再生能源佔比成為日本重要的課題之一。污水污泥燃料化比例在 日本逐漸提升,燃料化的技術也相當成熟且商業化,然而污泥的熱處理主要以焚化為主,佔全體 處理量的84%,而燃料化僅佔6%。焚化除了需要消耗煤炭、重油等化石燃料,污泥在焚燒時產生 的N2O,也造成大量GHG的排放。然而,污泥燃料化技術如乾燥、碳化等製程的N2O排放量較焚化 低,其所製成的固體燃料可以替代化石燃料,減少因使用化石燃料所產生的CO2排放量。雖然污泥 固體燃料可以達到GHG排放的減量,但是乾燥及碳化高含水率的污泥也將消耗大量能源。污泥固體 燃料化是否真的能為脫碳社會做出貢獻,其過程中所消耗的能源使用等GHG的排放量也必須被考 慮。因此,本研究於闡明了污水污泥燃料化作為可再生能源之GHG減排潛力以及對脫碳社會之可行 性評估。
In response to the issue of global warming, the "Global Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050" formulated in the Paris Agreement, a decarbonized society, and carbon neutrality have become goals that all countries in the world need to work together. In Japan, the primary source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is the use of fossil fuels and other energy consumption. Therefore, increasing the proportion of renewable energy has become one of the important directions of energy policy in Japan. The proportion of sewage sludge fuelization is gradually increasing in Japan, and the technology is also mature and commercialized. However, incineration is mainly used for sewage sludge heat treatment, accounting for 84% of the total heat treatment, while fuelization only accounts for 6%. In addition to the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal, the incineration of sewage sludge also produces a large amount of N2O, causing great GHG emissions. However, sewage sludge fuelization technologies such as drying and carbonization systems cause N2O emissions, and the biomass solid fuels made from sewage sludge can replace fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels. Although biomass solid fuel can achieve GHG emission reduction, it still needs to consume energy to dry and carbonize sewage sludge which with high moisture content. Whether sewage sludge fuelization can really contribute to a decarbonized society, the energy consumption and GHG emissions in the process must also be considered. Therefore, this study clarifies the GHG emission reduction potential of sewage sludge fuelization as a renewable energy source and the feasibility assessment for a decarbonized society.
decarbonized society, sewage sludge fuelization, biomass, subsidized fuel, greenhouse gas