


出刊日期:March, 2023

Investigation Of Wind-induced Responses Due To A Local Typhoon Event And EWM Condition In IEC Codes
Yi-Shou Wang, Yuan-Lung Lo
目前風力機在進行設計時,多半採用國際電工委員會International Electronic Commission (IEC) 所頒布的國際規範,如IEC 61400-1、61400-3-1、61400-3-2等進行風況參數設定(以下通稱為IEC規 範)。然而,IEC規範為根據歐洲風機開發商經過多年經驗累積之結果,其定義的風場參數是否適用 於臺灣本土風場尚未可知。由其所規範之風況參數設定而衍伸出的支撐結構設計安全,也就必須進 一步驗證方能確保風力機在臺灣風場設計的完善性。本研究利用位於臺灣本島西部沿岸、位於中部 的測風塔風場數據進行參數分析,並與IEC國際規範進行比較。為了要能有效探討本土化風場參數 與IEC規範之差異性,本研究首先建立風場模擬程式,產生符合本土風場參數之風場歷時資料,以 利進行風力機之結構動力分析。接著針對風力機塔柱基底、塔柱頂端、扇葉根部的內力反應及其 對應的應力非超越機率分布,指出本土風況與IEC規範之間的差異性是否可能會對結構安全造成之 影響。由於風力機主要破壞模式以颱風事件造成損害為主,因此本研究針對EWM (極端風速風況, Extreme Wind Speed Model)風況進行探討,所討論的參數包含平均風速剖面、紊流強度剖面與紊流 積分尺度剖面等風場參數。結果顯示,正常風況下的平均風速剖面指數值 α 與IEC 61400-3-1規範所 建議的0.14相近。紊流強度參數 β 在扣除掉低風速所造成的誤差外,可假設為0.05至0.06之間。紊流 強度剖面的 γ 指數可以假設為0以簡化公式、且表示邊界層高度紊流積分尺度的 λ 值可以假設為150 至200公尺左右。風場模擬結果發現,TurbSim模組無法符合IEC規範的剖面分布,反之MATLAB紊 流產生法則可以,且兩者的紊流積分尺度剖面顯示出很大的差距。結合風場模擬與風力機模型結構 分析,針對塔柱底部、塔柱頂端、以及單根葉片根部分析所獲得的最大主應力結果顯示NREL的5 MW風力機結構應屬於保守設計。
The current wind turbine design process follows the international standards announced by the International Electronic Commission, such as IEC 61400-1, 61400-3-1, and 61400-3-2. These standards define wind conditions for various design load cases for wind turbines’ working conditions. However, these IEC standards are mainly based on European experience. Whether the specified wind conditions meet Taiwan’s local meteorological characteristics has not been validated. If so, the structural design for the submarine supporting systems shall be further examined to maintain their safety requirements. In this study, we first look at the local meteorological characteristics by observing the monitoring wind speed data at the 100-m mast installed in Taichung Harbor. To efficiently compare the differences in structural responses due to the local wind effects and the presumed EWM condition, we built up a flow generation algorithm and fit all the wind data with conventional profile models during one monitored typhoon hitting the Taichung Harbor in September 2017. The internal effects of wind loads are obtained by adopting the AeroDyn module based on the blade element momentum theory. Results show that the flow generation algorithm can better describe the wind condition than the OpenFAST TurbSim module. The structural responses caused by the typhoon are still within the 5-MW wind turbine design range based on the EWM condition. However, the importance of accumulating more typhoon events is also mentioned.
Wind Turbine, Typhoon Event, Wind Field Characteristics, Structural Response.