


出刊日期:March, 2024

Effects of Solar Parks on Soil Properties and Soil Invertebrates
張容慈 蔡佳雯 盧勇仁 王巧萍
Rong-Ci Chang, Chia-Wen Tsai, Yung-Jen Lu, Chiao-Ping Wang
地面型太陽能光電為臺灣目前發展中的再生能源之一,但為生產電力的同時卻也直接衝擊著 原本的生態環境。為了解地面型光電對於土壤生態的影響,本研究選擇花蓮縣瑞穗鄉及鳳林鎮的三 個光電場為對象,並以光電場旁的人工林作為對照組,比較人工林、建構中與營運二年後光電板下 方、光電板外側土壤性質及土壤無脊椎動物組成之差異。研究結果顯示,將人工林改建為光電場的 整地與土木基礎工程,對土壤物理結構、化學性質及土壤無脊椎動物之衝擊強度視土壤性質而異。 其中坋質壤土的光電場區,坋粒含量、電導度、碳濃度、氮濃度、土壤無脊椎動物密度及類群數 等則均明顯降低,此一現象在砂質壤土地區則相對不顯著。在高含石量且土壤含砂量高的地區,建 場工程使表層土壤含石量、容積密度與砂粒含量均明顯增加。隨著光電場營運後草本植被之重新建 立,土壤有機碳與氮濃度有緩步回復之勢。而建場時之工程設計及營運期間的植被管理,應有助於 降低光電場對土壤生態系服務功能之負面衝擊。
The ground-mounted photovoltaic power is one of the developing renewable energy in Taiwan. However, it may negatively affect the environmental quality and agriculture and ecosystems. In order to understand the impact of solar panels on soil quality and soil invertebrates, soils from three photovoltaic sites in Hualien, Taiwan were collected, where one at Juisui which was under construction, and two at Fenglin, which had been in operation for 2 years. We compare the chemical, physical and the soil invertebrates among soils beneath and outside the solar panels and their adjacent forest plantations. The effects of the change of land use type from forest plantations to photovoltaic parks on soil properties varied with soil texture. In the silt loam sites, the construction of solar parks increased the soil bulk density and sand content, while the silt content, electrical conductivity, carbon concentration, nitrogen concentration, soil fauna density, and the number of soil fauna taxa all decreased significantly. However, those impacts were not significant in the sandy loam site. As some ferns and grasses re-establish naturally in the solar park after 2 years of operation, soil carbon, nitrogen and fauna density tended to increase gradually, where the increasement was more significant in the soils from outside than under the solar panels. The results indicate that a proper management of vegetation and a better design of the solar park might reduce the impacts on soil ecosystem function and services.
Ground-mounted solar panels, Renewable energy, Soil quality, Soil carbon stock, Soil invertebrates