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出刊日期:December, 2024
- 題目
- 國際高空風能發展趨勢與初期導入作法研析
- Title
- Trends of International Airborne Wind Energy Developments and Challenges of Its Implementation in Taiwan
- 作者
- 王衍襲
- Authors
- Yen-Hsi Wang
- 摘要
- 隨著全球朝向淨零碳排和100%綠電目標,高空風能(Airborne Wind Energy, AWE)作為新興再生 能源技術引發關注。臺灣政策鼓勵多元再生能源發展,然AWE技術於中文研究鮮有涉及;故本研究 探討國際AWE的政策與產業趨勢及各國初期導入作法,並初步評估臺灣導入AWE之可行性及可能 面臨的挑戰,以供我國能更瞭解該技術之最新資訊。 本研究發現,歐美多國已將AWE視為綠能技術並逐步推動發展,例如歐盟將其納入創新再生 能源目標,並視為未來風能的重要技術之一;德國將其納入再生能源法;美國則提供政策和研發支 持。另從國際AWE產業和應用發展發現,該技術目前多處於示範階段,地面發電的「捲繩牽引」技 術最為成熟,並具高海拔風能資源利用、設備輕量化和環境友善等優勢,適合偏遠及離島地區。然 AWE發展仍面臨如空域整合、技術成熟度、社會接受度等挑戰,特別是「空域」監管框架不完善, 阻礙技術商業化應用;故各國正加強產官合作,制定明確政策監管框架,並加強大眾溝通,提高社 會對此技術的認識並降地投資顧慮。 對於臺灣,本研究建議借鑒歐美經驗,先從可行性研究出發,逐步累積研究投入,提升開發商 與投資者信心;同時參考國外定義並釐清適用現行法規,隨該產業發展成熟,再制定專屬規範,以 確保技術安全營運。
- 關鍵字
- 高空風能,創新能源,前瞻能源
- Abatract
- As the world moves toward the goals of net-zero carbon emissions and 100% renewable energy, Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) has emerged as an innovative renewable energy technology attracting increasing attention. Taiwan’s policies encourage the diversified development of renewable energy; however, research on AWE in Chinese literature remains limited. Therefore, this study explores international policies and industry trends related to AWE and examines the early-stage implementation approaches adopted by various countries. Additionally, it provides a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of implementing AWE in Taiwan and the potential challenges that may arise, offering insights into the latest developments of this technology. The study finds that many countries in Europe and the United States have recognized AWE as a green energy technology and are gradually promoting its development. For instance, the European Union has included AWE in its innovation targets for renewable energy, considering it a key technology for the future of wind power. Germany has incorporated AWE into its Renewable Energy Sources Act, and the United States offers policy and R&D support. From the perspective of international AWE industry and application development, the technology is still largely in the demonstration phase, with the "tether-gen " method for ground-based generation technology being the most mature. AWE offers advantages such as utilizing highaltitude wind resources, lightweight equipment, and environmental friendliness, making it particularly suitable for remote and island regions. However, AWE development faces challenges related to airspace integration, technological maturity, and social acceptance. In particular, the lack of a comprehensive regulatory framework for airspace is a significant barrier to the commercialization of the technology. Consequently, many countries are strengthening public-private partnerships, developing clear policy and regulatory frameworks, and enhancing public communication to increase awareness of the technology and reduce investor concerns. For Taiwan, this study suggests learning from the experiences of Europe and the United States by initiating feasibility studies, gradually increasing research investment, and building confidence among developers and investors. It is also recommended to refer to international definitions and clarify the application of current regulations. As the industry matures, Taiwan can then establish specific standards to ensure the safe operation of AWE technology.
- Keywords
- Airborne Wind Energy (AWE), innovative energy, prospective energy.