


出刊日期:December, 2024

公車候車亭的綠色轉型:太陽能光電與儲能技術 的實踐與效益
Green Transformation of Bus Shelters: Implementation and Benefits of Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Technologies
簡元璽 謝依芸
Yuan-Hsi Chien, I-Yun Lisa Hsieh
在《巴黎協定》推動下,全球已將減碳目標置於核心位置,其中太陽能技術以其可再生性快速 崛起為重要能源選項之一。傳統公車候車亭普遍依賴城市電網供電,這不僅增加了能源負荷,也限 制了其功能性的提升。本研究聚焦於臺北市公車候車亭安裝太陽能發電設備的季節性分析,並透過 淨現值法評估裝設發電及儲能設施的成本效益,探索實現能源自給自足的可能性。研究結果顯示, 在配置適當儲能設施的情況下,候車亭在二月至十月可基本實現能源自給自足,而在十一月至次年 一月則需部分依賴市電。進一步的情境分析表明,單獨安裝太陽能板可減少32.5%的營運費用,而 結合儲能設施後可進一步降低69.1%的費用。然而,在無躉購費率支持下,資本回收的時間較長, 僅安裝發電設施的情境甚至無法在可預見的未來達到收支平衡。導入躉購費率後,成本回收的時間 可縮短至11.8年,大幅提升經濟效益。此外,發電效率、碳排放成本和裝置容量對經濟效益有顯著 影響,故在選擇裝置及地點時需要仔細評估以確保最佳發電效率。本研究為相關利害關係者和政策 制定者提供了堅實的數據支持,推動太陽能在公共設施中的應用,並助力實現全球永續發展目標。
In alignment with the Paris Agreement's goals, the global imperative to reduce carbon emissions has positioned solar technology as a crucial renewable resource. Traditional bus shelters, which typically depend on central power grids, face increased energy demands and limited enhancements in functionality. This study conducts a seasonal analysis of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems installed in Taipei’s bus shelters and evaluates their cost-effectiveness through Net Present Value (NPV) analysis, assessing the feasibility of energy self-sufficiency. The findings reveal that with adequate energy storage, bus shelters can achieve self-sufficiency from February to October, but require grid support from November to January. Scenario analysis shows that installing solar panels can reduce operating costs by 32.5%, and by 69.1% when paired with storage solutions. However, in the absence of feed-in tariffs (FIT), the payback period extends significantly, and setups relying solely on generation facilities may not attain break-even within a foreseeable timeline. Introducing FIT reduces the payback period to 11.8 years, markedly improving economic outcomes. Key factors such as efficiency of power generation, carbon fees, and installation capacity profoundly influence these economic benefits, highlighting the importance of meticulous device and location selection to maximize generation efficiency. This study offers valuable data for stakeholders and policymakers, enhancing the integration of solar energy in public infrastructures and aiding the pursuit of global sustainability goals.
Bus Shelter, Solar Photovoltaic, Feed-in Tariff, Cost-effectiveness Analysis, Green Mobility.