


出刊日期:September, 2014

Energy-Saving Tradable White Certificate and Its Policy Implications: the UK, France, Italy Experiences
Jyh-Yih Hsu, Pei-Jyun Lu
環境保護與妥善資源配置已成為全球共同關注之焦點,而能源效率,更是環境議題之重要核心。為提升能源效率,歐盟國家推出白色證書交易制度(Tradable White Certificate, TWC)。TWC係指由政府規定節能義務量(obligation),並將能源節約目標量分配給節能義務者(obligator)。企業或者個人之節能行為,透過公正測量與認證(measurement and verification, M&V),可獲得白色證書,並在市場上交易,符合寇式定理(Coase Theorem)。此種政策工具,係透過市場機制,兼顧節能減碳目標與市場經濟效率。
接著,本文由技術面、法制面、操作面及經濟面,分析臺灣導入白色證書制度之可行性,並提出三大推動策略:(1) 宜釐清白色認證並宣導正確意涵;(2) 積極推廣教育訓練,培植能源服務公司(Energy Service Company, ESCO)專業認證人員;(3) 建立健全之白色認證交易市場架構。最後,本文亦提供短中長期規劃建議,短中期可效仿英國,以達成節能義務量為優先考量,並逐年擴大節能義務者之家數與範圍;長期則應促進能源服務產業升級,建立健全市場,並落實白色認證交易。
How to improve energy efficiency has become an important global issue. To enhance energy efficiency, European countries launched a Tradable White Certificate (TWC) system. The governmental authority sets the energy savings target and allocates those target quotas (obligations) to enterprises or individuals (obligators). Enterprises or individuals who have conducted energy saving behavior, through a trustworthy measurement and verification (M&V), would receive a TWC, which can be traded through a market mechanism. This TWC system is conformable with the Coase Theorem.
The thrust of this paper aims to explore the tradable white certificate policy of United Kingdom, France and Italy. The implementation of tradable white certificates system, market structure and regulatory scheme are examined. United Kingdom’s obligators are mostly large-scale energy suppliers. French obligators include all sizes and types of energy suppliers, and the trading of TWCs are over the internet. Italian obligators are electric transmission and distribution industries, the TWCs are traded in the same platform that the green electricity certificate (i.e., renewable energy) have been traded. How to improve energy efficiency has become an important global issue. To enhance energy efficiency, European countries launched a Tradable White Certificate (TWC) system. The governmental authority sets the energy savings target and allocates those target quotas (obligations) to enterprises or individuals (obligators). Enterprises or individuals who have conducted energy saving behavior, through a trustworthy measurement and verification (M&V), would receive a TWC, which can be traded through a market mechanism. This TWC system is conformable with the Coase Theorem. The thrust of this paper aims to explore the tradable white certificate policy of United Kingdom, France and Italy. The implementation of tradable white certificates system, market structure and regulatory scheme are examined. United Kingdom’s obligators are mostly large-scale energy suppliers. French obligators include all sizes and types of energy suppliers, and the trading of TWCs are over the internet. Italian obligators are electric transmission and distribution industries, the TWCs are traded in the same platform that the green electricity certificate (i.e., renewable energy) have been traded.
Then, the paper conducted a TWC feasibility analysis from technical, legal, operational and economic perspectives for Taiwan. Furthermore, three strategies were suggested as below: (1) The government related agencies should clarify the concept of TWC and advocate its policy implications; (2) The government related agencies should promote education, training and collaboration for ESCO professional certification personnel; (3) The government related agencies should establish a framework for the TWC market. Finally, this paper also provided the short-term and the long-term planning directions. In the short-term, Taiwan could follow UK experience which focuses on fulfilling obligation in the beginning stage, and gradually expand the number and scope of obligator; in the long-term, the government should promote energy services industry upgrading, and establish a sound market for implementing the TWC system.
Coase Theorem, White Certification, Energy Saving Obligation, Energy Service Companies, Measurement and Verification