


出刊日期:December, 2015

Role of Public Engagement in Ensuring Sustainable Energy Future for India
Vaibhav Chowdhary, Udit Mathur
Vaibhav Chowdhary, Udit Mathur
本文在探討能源供需模擬器可以在一個開發中的經濟體中扮演一個供民眾進行能源和氣候辯論的平台。此種公開的辯論將可加速能源政策發展與氣候效益的實現。印度最近以英國的2050路徑模擬器為基礎,發展了其本國的能源模擬器--印度2047年能源安全情境(IESS)模擬器(www.indiaenergy.gov.in),這項工具展示了其對能源供需的選擇,能影響印度的能源安全,也能對國家的排放、土地利用及成長等給予一些啟示。近期印度正由政府的智庫單位(NITI Aayog)領導,進行整體能源政策的檢討。由於印度是能源淨進口國,現正面臨巨大的能源挑戰,其中之一是提供 “全民可負擔的潔淨能源”。在印度,能源究竟是一種商品或是勞務並不明確,因此,到底政策制定應是純經濟性或是純政治性考量也很難說。依據印度憲法,傳統的能源來源是一個中央的議題,而電力是一個同步議題,亦即,中央與省都各自在其發展上扮演了角色。為了達成此目標,過去已提出許多好的能源計畫、政策、與法規,例如2003年電力法案、新的探勘許可使用政策、國家電價政策、2006年能源節約法案、以及五年計畫等等。這些計畫、法案、政策及法規的共通處在於其內在的精神並未得到落實,主要的理由為缺少了公眾的支持/參與這個高度政治化的商品。而隨著公眾意識及教育程度不斷地提升,公眾的聲音在政策的執行上將愈來愈具影響力。本文對那些正在開發自己的能源/氣候模擬器的國家,不論目前處於那個發展階段,都是很有用處的。可瞭解在開發此模擬器時公眾參與的重要性,並可利用公眾參與作為此模型演練中政策執行的一項工具。此外,它還可提供利害相關者: ● 明瞭公眾對永續能源路徑(SEP)的觀感價值、接受度及參與度 ● 傳達改變的一項鑑別工具 ● 提供公眾參與SEP的路徑圖 ● 對開發中國家的結論及建議 免責聲明:內文的觀點與意見為作者的觀點,不一定反映印度和英國政府任何機構的官方政策或立場。本文中執行的範例和分析不得當作真實世界分析的產物,因為它們只是基於非常有限的,特定的公開的來源資訊。本文所提出的建議和結論是以作者個人的評估及與其密切相關的IESS整體族群及廣泛的網絡為基礎。
印度2047能源安全願景(IESS 2047)、 公眾參與、永續能源路徑(SEP)、低碳成長、能源與氣候
This paper presents the role that an energy calculator can play in creating a public platform for informed energy and climate debates in a developing economy. Such informed debates will allow faster implementation of energy policies for developmental and climate gains. India has recently developed its energy calculator i.e. India Energy Security Scenario (IESS) 2047 (www.indiaenergy.gov.in) based on UK’s pathways 2050 calculator approach. This tool showcases how the energy demand and supply choice can impact India’s energy security and also has implications on country’s emissions, land usage and growth. India is currently reviewing her overall energy policy, led by Government of India’s NITI Aayog. Being a net importer of energy, it faces huge energy challenges. One of the top challenges is to provide “cleaner basic energy to all at affordable price”. In India it is still not clear whether energy is a commodity or a service hence it’s difficult to say whether a policy is to be made considering pure economics or pure political principles. As per the constitution of India the conventional energy sources is a central subject and electricity is a concurrent subject i.e. both the centre and the state has a role in its development. In order to meet this objective lots of good energy plans, policies, regulations have come up in the past i.e. Electricity Act 2003, New Exploration and Licencing Policy (NELP), National Tariff Policy, Energy Conservation Act 2006, Five Year Plans etc. One thing which is common with all of these plans, acts, policies and regulations is that none of them have been implemented in its true spirit. The main reason for its non-implementation is lack of public support/ engagement for this highly politicised commodity in India. With rising awareness and education levels the public voice is getting stronger deterrent in policy implementation. This paper will be useful for all those countries that are at various stages of developing their energy/ climate calculators to realise the significance of public engagement in developing this calculator and also using public engagement as a tool to implement policies drawn out of this modelling exercise. It will provide the interested stakeholders with: • understanding of the value of public perception, public acceptance and public engagement in delivering “Sustainable Energy Pathway (SEP)” • identify tools in delivering change • the roadmap to engage public for delivering SEP • conclusions and recommendations for developing countries
IESS 2047, public engagement, SEP, low carbon growth, Energy and Climate