


出刊日期:December, 2015

Energyscope – An Interactive Online Information Platform on the Energy Transition
V. Codina Gironès, F. Vuille, F. Maréchal, D. Favrat
V. Codina Gironès, F. Vuille, F. Maréchal, D. Favrat
許多國家正在經歷一個能源轉變階段,以減少能源生產和利用過程的碳排放,同時提高自身的能源自主性。該轉變過程將受到大量來自政策、技術、經濟和環境方面的挑戰,因此需要建立一個合理的基於客觀嚴謹資訊的決策方法和交流機制,從而針對該轉變階段之不同策略的做出快速高效評估,並確定不同策略的優劣。針對以上的考量和瑞士的具體情況,公眾和決策者可以參考energyscope.ch來瞭解瑞士能源轉變所涉及的機遇和挑戰,並標明他們自身的意見或想法。 該平台為公眾準備了一個大規模開放性的網路課程,這些課程集中回答了能源轉變過程最受關注的100個熱點問題。該平台也具有與能源相關的計算功能。 與大多數現有的能源建模方法不同,EnergyScope的計算功能提供了一個直觀、友好的介面,以視覺化和比較自己的能源方案,從而確認具體方案對國家社會經濟和環境的影響。該過程無需具備嚴謹的科學知識。更重要的是,平台的線上百科清楚地標明了所有涉及的假設和引用,並且向所有用戶開放。另外,計算器具備一些獨特的功能,比如按月顯示所考慮方案的情況,這對那些全面氣候變化顯著的國家非常重要;然而,該季節性變化大多被同類工具所忽略。簡而言之,EnergyScope是一個可以應用於任何國家之一般性的能源計算工具。
Many countries are undergoing an energy transition to reduce their carbon emission and increase their level of energy autonomy. This generates numerous policy, technology, economic and environmental challenges. This multi-dimensionality calls for an integrative approach, which requires appropriate decision making and communication tools, based on objective and rigorous information, enabling for a rapid appraisal of pros and cons of different strategic options for this energy transition. To this end, a web platform, Energyscope, has been developed for the specific case of Switzerland to help the general public and the decision makers to understand the challenges and opportunities related to the Swiss energy transition, and help them forge their own opinion. This web-platform includes a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for the general public, which is a first-of-a-kind, synthetic answers to 100 frequently asked questions about the energy transition, as well as an energy calculator. Unlike most existing energy modelling approaches the Energyscope calculator enables the user to build in an intuitive and user-friendly way its own energy scenarios and to directly visualize and compare their socio-economic and environmental impacts at national level, without compromising on scientific rigour. Furthermore all assumptions and references used are clearly quoted in an on-line wiki making it transparent for all users. In addition, this calculator possesses some unique features such as a monthly resolution, which is paramount in countries that experience significant climatic variations throughout the year. This seasonal aspect is often overlooked in similar existing tools. Energyscope is a generic tool that can be adapted to any country.
Energy transition, energy planning, decision-making support, web-platform, energy calculator