


出刊日期:December, 2015

The Development and Application of a Genetic Algorithm- based Optimization Module for Taiwan 2050 Calculator
Pei-Hao Li, Cheng-Ta Chu, Ming-Lung Hung, Tzu-Yar Liu
工業技術研究院於2013年引進英國能源及氣候變遷部(Department of Energy and Climate Change, DECC)技術開發臺灣2050能源供需模擬器(Taiwan 2050 Calculator)一系列溝通工具,做為我國能源政策的溝通平台。不過Taiwan 2050 Calculator並無優選能力,無法根據設定的低碳能源發展願景與限制,決策出最佳能源發展路徑組合。本研究因而整合基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm),將Taiwan 2050 Calculator的能源發展路徑設計成發展路徑染色體解,透過世代競爭機制,決定優選模型的較佳解。並應用所發展的優選程序找出2030年的較佳減碳路徑,與近似現行能源政策的參考路徑比較後,發現優選結果雖較參考路徑花費多5.7%,不過2030年總碳排放量可大量減少達28.7%。顯然採用所發展的優選程序進行決策,可在維持能源供給安全穩定的前提下,達成更佳的減碳成果。本研究所採用案例僅在示範優選程序的可操作性,因此案例仍未充分考量政策可行性,未來應用時應進一步考量措施執行困難度、市場因素,設定優選模型限制條件,如技術最大可行情境限制等,使優選結果更具參考價值。最後再依據專家意見驗證調整,而非直接將結果當作可行的政策措施。
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) developed Taiwan 2050 Calculator in 2013 with the technical support from Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK. The Calculator has been accepted by various stakeholders and become an ideal communication platform for energy policy in Taiwan. However, this tool is lack of an optimization procedure to determine optimal energy pathways for low-carbon development. This study thus integrates a Genetic Algorithm to construct an optimization module for Taiwan 2050 Calculator. Candidate pathways are converted into chromosomes to compete with each other in the iterative searching procedure. The best chromosome (pathway) is gradually reached by stochastically combining the better pathways in each searching generation. This module has been applied to determine the optimal pathway with lowest GHG emissions in 2030. In comparison with the reference pathway, which is similar to current energy policy, the optimal pathway can reduce GHG emissions by 28.7% with an extra 5.7% of total cost. The result verifies the developed module can identify the optimal pathways efficiently. In the future application, more practical considerations, such as maximum allowed level for technology development, should be taken as the constraints to ensure the feasibility of the optimized pathways. It is also noteworthy that the determined pathways should not be regarded as plausible strategies directly without further investigations.
Taiwan 2050 Calculator, Energy Supply and Demand, Optimization, Energy Model, Genetic Algorithm