


出刊日期:June, 2018

The Assessment on Annual Power Generation and Probability Distributions of Renewable Energy in Taiwan
Tzu-Hsun Hsiao, Kong-Liang Huang, Fu-Kuang Ko
本研究透過年發電量機率分布的探討,分析我國未來再生能源大量併網後年發電量的變異,並探討可使年發電量波動較小的電力組合。相較於利用固定容量因數進行年發電量的評估,機率分布的分析方法能夠協助決策者預先防止或避免相關的風險產生。本研究結合了財務經濟學上進行資產投資組合風險評估的方法,量化分析數種再生能源間的相關程度,藉此評估總再生能源發電量的期望值及標準差。本研究發現,由於太陽光電與風力發電的容量因數間為負相關,因此,該兩種能源的混合搭配可以降低年發電量的變異,而透過情境的設計進行分析,研究成果指出,樂觀情境下,再生能源發電量達到515億度電的機率為40.314%,而擬真情境下,達到515億度電的機率則要更低,然若將離岸風電的政策目標提升至5.5 GW,擬真情境的再生能源發電量達到515億度電的機率則增加至84.897%,能夠有較高的機率達成政策目標。此外,本研究亦指出,目前政府規劃之再生能源發展目標已接近最小發電量標準差的最適電力組合,然未來太陽光電及離岸風力的裝置需同步增加,但離岸風電的成長率須高於太陽光電,方能最小化發電量標準差。太陽光電與離岸風力裝置量最佳的比值約在5.9至6.7之間,且隨再生能源總發電量的增加而有降低的趨勢。
The paper utilized probability distributions of annual power generation to analyze variations of large renewable energy sources interconnected onto network system. Compared with the assessment of annual power generation based on fixed capacity factors, the probability distribution analysis method could assist decision makers in preventing related risks. The Portfolio Theory is applied to evaluate correlations between power generations of several renewable energy sources, in order to estimate expected values and standard deviations of renewable energy. The simulation results indicated that the capacity factor correlation between solar and wind power is negative related. It meant that these two energy sources can be utilized simultaneously to reduce the variation of annual power generation. In the optimistic scenario, the probability to reach the policy target of 515 TWh of renewable power generation is 40.314%, and the probability is lower for the simulated scenario. If the policy target of offshore wind power is raised to 5.5 GW, the probability in the simulated scenario to reach policy goals will increase to 84.897%. Moreover, the study also pointed out that the government's current target for renewable energy is close to optimum electricity portfolio. To reach minimum variations of renewable energy, solar and offshore wind power need to increase simultaneously, and growth rate of offshore wind power need to be higher in the future.
Renewable energy, solar power, wind power, annual generation, portfolio theory