


出刊日期:March, 2019

國內面蓋式平板型太陽能集熱器性能標準測試之 漫射率修正研究
A Study on Correction Factor of Diffuse Fraction to Thermal Performance Test of Glazed Flat-Plate Solar Thermal Collections in Taiwan
Chia-Chun Chen, Keh-Chin Chnag, Kung-Ming Chun
太陽能熱水系統為迄今太陽熱能最普及之應用,臺灣目前是以面蓋式平板型集熱器為國內市售太陽能熱水器最為常見之產品(佔2000年至2017年全國安裝使用面積約93%)。現行臺灣太陽熱能集熱器檢測標準是於2008年由經濟部標檢檢驗局公布之CNS 15165-1,此標準係依據國際標準組織ISO於1994年發行之ISO 9806:1994對於太陽熱能集熱器測試部分,在未變更技術內容譯為中文而成為我國之國家標準。標準中提及在漫射率大於20%時需對集熱板測試件之瞬時集熱效率數據進行修正,但並未提及如何進行修正。考量臺灣屬於亞熱帶海洋型氣候國家,太陽漫射率較高,可推知目前國內對於太陽熱能集熱器檢測標準中所規定對所測得瞬時集熱效率數據之漫射率修正乙項,明顯有尚待釐清之處,有必要探究國內太陽熱能集熱器檢測標準中漫射率對瞬時集熱效率之影響。本研究利用35套國內產製之面蓋式平板型集熱器在不同太陽漫射率(≤ 50%)之天候下進行室外測試,證實漫射率對瞬時集熱效率確有影響;並進一步以統計迴歸分析求得在四個不同進口水溫條件下各自的經驗公式,可提供國內CNS 15165-1太陽熱能集熱器檢測標準所要求之漫射率對瞬時集熱效率修正時參考使用。
Solar water heater is one of the most popular applications of solar energy so far. Among various types of solar water heaters installed in Taiwan, the glazed flat-plate type is the dominant one (occupying about 93% in area installed between 2000 and 2017). The current thermal-performance testing standard of solar thermal collector in Taiwan, CNS 15165-1, is in compliance with ISO 9806:1994. According to the standard, it mentions that the correction to the instant thermal collecting efficiency (η) is necessary as the solar diffuse fraction (d) is greater than 20%. However, it does not mention how to correct. In view of the subtropical, oceanic climate in Taiwan, solar diffuse fraction is relatively high. The necessity of correction factor of d to η has to study. In this study, 35 sets of solar thermal collectors manufactured in Taiwan were tested under the conditions specified in CNS 15165-1 but with the different d values (≤ 50%). The results show that there exist relatively remarkable effects of d on η at four various inlet water temperatures. The statistical regression formulae of correction of d to η, which were obtained from the data of these thermal performance tests, can be applied to the future testing of CNS 15165-1.
performance testing standard of solar thermal collector, solar thermal application, solar diffuse fraction, glazed flat-plate solar water collector.