


出刊日期:June, 2020

Capacity Planning of Distributed Generators and Energy Storage System for an Offshore Island Microgrid
Yih-Der Lee, Jheng-Lun Jiang, Chun Lung Chang, Li-Yuan Liu, Yung-Ruei Chang
本研究利用粒子群演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)建立一套可應用於微電網場域之分散式能源與儲能容量評估方法,以考量在最佳投資成本效益下,提出各種分散式能源裝置容量的配置。透過日照、風速等氣象資料及負載用電量相關資料蒐集後,再考量儲能電池及儲能轉換器容量與柴油機組限制條件,即可透過粒子群演算法以疊代的方式進行搜尋計算,並逐步收斂至最佳解,找出適合該微電網場域之再生能源與儲能系統的容量配置,以達到最低的發電成本或最高再生能源占比。本研究將分散式能源裝置容量評估技術以C #程式語言與LabVIEW進行開發,利用LabVIEW具動態連結資料庫(DLL, Dynamic Link Library)整合之特點,搭配友善規劃的人機介面,讓使用者能以簡潔明瞭的方式進行操作,並以圖表清楚地呈現評估計算結果。最後以澎湖東吉嶼配比估算為例,驗證粒子群演算法程式的準確性,再將其應用於澎湖桶盤嶼微電網再生能源容量與儲能配比計算,分析結果可作為離島微電網系統設計之重要參考。
This study proposes the capacity planning of distributed energy resources (DERs) and energy storage system (ESS) for an offshore island microgird by considering cost benefits assessment using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. First of all, the amount and duration of sunshine, wind speed have to be collected for an offshore island, as well as the power load consumption. The renewable power generation then can be estimated with various capacities of renewable energy. Secondly, the optimal capacity of distributed generators and energy storage system can be determined by using PSO to achieve the lowest generation cost of the diesel generators in the island microgrid. In this way, the DERs and ESS capacity assessment program is developed by C Programming Language. The human-machine interface is designed by LabVIEW with Dynamic Link Library (DLL) technology to allow user to operate in a friendly way, and to graphically present the results of the calculations. Finally, the generation cost of the Dongjiyu island microgrid is evaluated to verify the accuracy of the program developed. Then it is applied to the Tongpanyu island microgrid to calculate the optimal renewable generation and energy storage capacity, so that the lowest power generation cost can be obtained. This developed program can be used as a reference design for an offshore island microgrid.
Particle Swarm Optimization, Micro grid, Distributed Energy Resources