


出刊日期:March, 2021

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Operation Model of Electric Vehicle-to-Grid
Chih-Hsiang Tsai, Jyh-Yih Hsu, Fa-Ming Yeh
隨著近年來越來越多再生能源加入電網,電力產業需要儲能設備平衡電網供需,以維持電力 系統的穩定度。電力產業除了建置電池儲能系統,可以利用電動汽車藉由車對電網(Vehicle to Grid, V2G)的技術,電動汽車的電池扣除移動所需之容量,藉由整合商聚集大規模數量之電動汽車,便 可以提供可觀的儲存量能,對於電力公司可以節省建置儲能設備之成本,整合商、電動汽車車主可 以從V2G的商業模式中獲益。本研究分析臺灣電動汽車參與V2G商業模式之下,相對於傳統汽車之 成本有效性分析。本研究首先比較電動汽車與傳統汽車之差異,釐清電動汽車所需考慮之成本項目 以及如何估算;接著說明電動汽車與V2G的商業模式,探討V2G營運模式如何興起,而電動汽車如 何從其營運模式中獲益;最後解釋V2G的概念,為電動汽車參與V2G商業模式提供相關技術背景架 構。本研究結果顯示,電動汽車車主參與V2G商業模式,可以增加傳統汽車車主換購電動汽車之誘 因,從整體社會而言,電動汽車相對於傳統汽車可以減少噪音污染、空氣污染以及減少排碳量,增 進整體社會之效益。因此,若在適當時機臺灣發展V2G商業模式,將可以提升整體社會之效益。本 研究最後針對電動汽車V2G商業模式加以引申探討其經濟意涵。
With more and more renewable energy feed-in to the grid in recent years, the power industry needs energy storage equipment to balance the supply and demand to maintain the stability of the power system. Without energy storage equipment, the power industry can choose the battery of the electric vehicle as an alternative. Electric vehicles can provide its battery capacity deducted from required for movement when it is not used for transportation purposes by Vehicle to Gird (V2G) technology. Aggregators can integrate the large number of electric vehicles so that can provide considerable storage capacity. Power companies can save on the cost of building energy storage equipment and aggregators and electric vehicle owners can benefit from V2G's business model. The purpose of this study is to analyzes the cost-effectiveness of Taiwan's electric vehicles under V2G’s business model compared to traditional vehicles. First, this study compares the differences between electric vehicles and traditional vehicles, clarifies the cost items needed to be considered for electric vehicles and how to estimate them. Secondly, this study explains what is the V2G model, describes how this model is emerging, and how electric vehicles can benefit from it. Finally, this study explains the concept of vehicle to grid, and provides relevant technical background for the V2G model of electric vehicles. The results of this study show that the participation in the V2G business model can incentivize the traditional vehicle owners to purchase electric vehicles. From the perspective of society, compared with traditional vehicles, electric vehicles can reduce noise pollution, air pollution, and carbon emissions and benefit the society. Therefore, Taiwan should develop V2G business model at the right time to improve social benefits. Finally, this study infers economic implications of the V2G business model for electric vehicles.
Electric vehicles, Cost-effectiveness analysis, Vehicle to grid, Renewable energy, Energy storage