


出刊日期:December, 2022

Assessing Power Sector Carbon Emission Intensity in Taiwan: Status Quo and Net-Zero Future Perspectives
Wei-Chun Tseng, Hou-Chuan Chen, Tsung-Heng Chang, Tien-Yu Chang, I-Yun Lisa Hsieh
隨著氣候變遷與全球暖化的逐漸加劇,世界各國相繼提出2050淨零排放的策略與行動,以遏止 溫室氣體排放對環境和人類所帶來的負面影響—包含臺灣。以部門別分類與研析臺灣的溫室氣體排 放量,可發現電力需求的貢獻占一半以上,故電力部門的去碳化政策與進程將大大影響我國是否能 達成淨零轉型之目標。然而,隨著臺灣電力供給來源逐漸多樣化,如繼續沿用我國當前電業法所定 義之電力排碳係數的計算方式,將會因忽略廠內用電量以及淨發電量中未被售出之電力兩者帶來的 影響,而無法全面衡量全國尺度的實際總發電量以及衍生的碳排放。 本研究基於台電公開電力資訊、發電業者電業年報與環保署公開之電廠溫室氣體排放資料,以 各發電機組電耗用燃料熱量計算溫室氣體排放量;並搭配各機組發電量,提出在能源轉型中應妥當 被使用的「電力碳密集度」之估計方法。除了重新研析當前我國各發電機組的現況外,本研究也根 據臺灣2050淨零排放路徑與策略,展望由目前至2050年我國的電力碳密集度變化途徑。研究結果顯 示,當電力供給由化石燃料轉型為再生能源主導時,臺灣的電力碳密集度預期在2050年降至0.118 kg CO2e/kWh。在能源供給體系去碳化與終端消費電氣化的推動下,本研究結果將能作為評估能源 各部門與跨部門耦合的減碳效益之參考依據。
To combat climate change, countries across the globe have successively committed to achieving netzero emissions by 2050—including Taiwan. The power sector accounts for more than half of Taiwan's total greenhouse gas emissions, suggesting that decarbonizing the power sector is essential to attaining the netzero target. With the growing diversity of energy sources, the "Electricity Carbon Emission Factor" defined by The Electricity Act will no longer be appropriate when we evaluate the nationwide average carbon intensity of electricity. Based on the publicly available data, this study conducts a comprehensive bottom-up analysis for quantifying the carbon emissions associated with electricity production in Taiwan from now to 2050— at the power generator level. The results reveal great variations in carbon emission intensity across fossil fuel generators, even with the same fuel type. The carbon emission intensity, defined as the ratio of carbon emissions from electricity generation and gross electricity production, is expected to decline to 0.118 kg CO2e/kWh when shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy under the 2050 Net-Zero Pathway. Taiwan's energy system is undergoing a far-reaching transition toward net-zero emissions; the results presented here serve as an important reference for assessing the climate benefits of sector coupling.
Electric Power System, Greenhouse Gas Emission, Carbon Emission Intensity, Energy Transition, Net-Zero Policy.