


出刊日期:September, 2014

Scenario Driven Strategic Planning for the Development of Green Energy Industry in Taiwan
Chiang-Hsiung Tong
情境導引的研發策略重點,是能針對未來應用情境去發想,設法找到最適合自由市場運作的機制,作為行業發展的商業模式,再由此模式推導出目前技術或服務最主要不足之處,這才是策略規劃NSDB (Needs、Solution、Differentiation、Benefits)中真正會引領風潮的N;然後針對這個N來提出我們的對應策略,而且必須是在關鍵槓桿點上具有上位專利的關鍵技術及商業模式,才是具有策略價值的S與D。倘若這方面還不確定,只能利用各種研發資源來投入前瞻型的育種計畫,以便徹底將它釐清。最後,技術要商業化,必須有跨越死亡之谷的商業模式,所以NSDB中的B,應該是由Business Model去進行產業化時能夠量化出來的投資效益,這個NSDB循環才算完成。
Green energy is an important focal point of every government in its policy making, not only because it deals with the issue of climate change, but also because it is a very important engine for economic growth. Stemming from a strong semiconductor industry, Taiwan has very good visibility in PV and LED manufacturing. However, it takes much more efforts than our current measures to ensure the sustainability of the Earth is secure in the long run. There is no doubt that government has to step in with policies to make it happen. What we all in want is a clear strategy to minimize the input in turning the wheel of green industry to critical speed. Based on the experiences the author gained in a career of more than 20 years of R&D work, the methodology of “Scenario driven Strategic planning for R&D work” is proposed as the main theme to maximize the outcome of our research investments.
The core of an application scenario is the business model which can kick-in the sustaining mode of the business operation in the said application. Key ingredients such as technology solutions and system integrations should build around the scenario, not the other way around, in our R&D strategic planning. Only when the business model is clear enough to quantify the benefit part of the “Need-Solution-Differentiation-benefit”, or NSDB cycle, may we conclude that the strategic planning is complete. In this article, examples are given to illustrate the merits of the application scenario driven R&D strategy.
green energy industry, strategic planning, sustainability, scenario driving R&D, R&D commercialization