


出刊日期:June, 2015

Potentials for Energy Efficiency Improvement in Taiwan’s Cement Industry – A Bottom-up Model-based Assessment
Yun-Hsun Huang, Yi-Lin Chang
全球暖化現象日益惡化,國際間要求工業部門節能減碳的聲浪隨之增高。以全球工業部門而言,非金屬礦物業的能源消費量僅次於鋼鐵與石化業,約占全球工業部門總能源消費的12%;其中,水泥業占非金屬礦物業能源消費的70~80%。在溫室氣體排放方面,全球水泥業2000年的排放量約 10億噸,但2010年的排放量已超過15億噸,成長幅度相當顯著。以臺灣而言,2013年水泥業的能源消費為1,902,572公秉油當量,占工業部門總能源消費量的4.37%,全國總能源消費量的1.66%;能源密集度方面,2012年非金屬礦業的能源密集度為41.16公秉油當量/百萬元新臺幣,在耗能產業中僅次於石化業,顯示其為能源密集度相當高之產業。為有效降低水泥業的能源消費並提升能源效率,有必要確認出製程的主要能源效率技術,並針對這些技術的節能潛量進行估算。本文使用能源效率模型評估我國水泥業至2035年的節能潛力,水泥業製程的主要節能技術與擴散率主要透過訪廠與專家意見,技術節能量則以國際標竿與國內外案例為主。節能技術中共篩選出18項主要技術,分別估算水泥業未來的節電與燃料節能潛力,以作為政府訂定工業部門節能量目標與研擬節能策略時之參考。
Climate change and global warming as the main human societies’ threats are fundamentally associated with energy consumption and GHG emissions. The industrial sector, representing 28.3% and 38.5% of global energy consumption and CO2 emissions, respectively, has a considerable role to mitigate global climate change. The non-metallic minerals industry is the third largest industrial energy user, accounting for about 12 percent of global industrial energy consumption. The cement industry absorbs most of the energy consumption of the non-metallic minerals industry (around 70-80 percent). In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, the cement industry contributes about 5% to global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, making the cement industry an important sector for CO2-emission mitigation strategies. Energy consumption in the cement industry accounted for 4.37% of industrial energy demand in Taiwan in 2013. Energy intensity of the non metallic mineral industry is estimated as 41.16 KLOE/million NTD, second to the petrochemical sector in the energy-intensive industries. It is therefore essential to understand the energy efficiency potentials in the cement industry. A bottom-up model-based assessment is utilized to conduct a scenario analysis on the available energy saving potentials up to year 2035 in Taiwan’s cement industry. Intensive literature reviews and interviews with experts and manufacturers are performed on the energy efficiency technologies and their applications in the production lines. The technology-specific model is then used to analyze the energy saving potentials for Taiwan’s cement industry. 18 energy efficiency technologies allocated to respective process are assessed, while the potential energy savings for fuels and electricity are estimated. It has to be emphasized that the significant saving potentials cannot be fully realized without solid incentive policies.
Cement industry, Energy efficiency model, Energy saving potential