


出刊日期:September, 2018 / 點閱數:4009次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖、胡均立 Yie-Zu Hu, Jin-Li Hu A-0 451
2 可變槳距之水平軸風力發電機運轉分析 Operational Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine with Variable-pitch 林彥廷、鄭恩凱、林冠廷、黃金城 Yan-Ting Lin, En-Kai Cheng, Guan-Ting Lin, Chin-Cheng Huang 199-215 1042
3 風能評估及核能研究所微觀選址分析 Wind Resources Assessment and Micro-Siting in Institute of Nuclear Energy Research 陳銘宏 Ming-Hong Chen 217-232 746
4 電動車的發展對我國電網級儲能系統之影響 The Impaction of the Development of Electric Vehicle on Grid-Level Energy Storage System in Taiwan 黃郁青、陳治均、葛復光 Yu-Ching Huang, Jyh-Jun Chen, Fu-Kung Ko 233-249 896
5 臺灣工業部門節能財稅優惠政策影響研析 The Effect of an Enterprise Income Tax Exemption Scheme for Energy Saving Investment on Taiwan’s Industry Sector 梁啟源、塗千慧、鄭睿合、林杏秋 Chi-Yuan Liang, Chian-Huei Tu, Ruei-He Jheng, Hsin-Chiu Lin 251-272 625
6 我國LED智慧照明示範推廣 The Smart Lighting Demonstration Project in Taiwan 郭玉萍、林士凱、朱素琴 Yu-Ping Kuo, Shih-Kai Lin, Su-Chin Ju 273-282 951
7 我國製造業節能績效與多重效益評估—應用LMDI因素分解法 The Assessment of Multiple Benefit of Energy Saving on Manufacture Sector in Taiwan 李堅明、蔡含昱、洪悅容、潘子欽、黃啟峰、林杏秋 Chien-Ming Lee, Han-Yu Tsai, Yue-Rong Hong, Tze-Chin Pan, Chi-Feng Huang, Hsin-Chiu Lin 283-298 642