計畫名稱 | 低碳能源環境建構與整合發展應用計畫 |
主題名稱 | 運用系統動態方法評估再生能源推動機制對電力部門之影響 |
資料時間 | 2012/3/10 |
上傳時間 | 2012/3/13 |
國別 | 國內 |
能源領域 | 經濟及產業 |
能源業務 | 電力 |
決策知識類別 | 評析 |
關鍵字 | fixed feed-in tariff renewable portfolio standard |
動機制的情境假設分別為固定電價收購機制(fixed feed-in tariff, FIT )、固定電量收購機制(renewable portfolio standard, RPS)。透
In order to support electricity generation from renewable energy, most countries have instituted different mechanisms which may place
impacts on the electricity sector. The purpose of this study is to establish a system dynamics model of electricity supply structure to evaluate
the impacts on power cost, CO2 emission and environmental external cost. The scenarios are both fixed feed-in tariff and renewable portfolio
standard mechanisms. The results show that increases in renewable energy supply will drive rises in power generation cost, and compared
with the renewable portfolio standard, the fixed feed-in tariff mechanism has better effects on environment protection.
附件 | Evaluation using system dynamics for renewable energy mechanism effect on electricity sector |
資料提供者/機構 | 林麗甄 / 工研院綠能所G200 |
最後修改者 | 林麗甄 |
聯絡電話 | 02-87220089-808 |
聯絡 Email | itriA00017@itri.org.tw |
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