


出刊日期:March, 2018 / 點閱數:6676次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖、胡均立 Yie-Zu Hu, Jin-Li Hu A-0 731
2 「電力供需永續之研究」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Study on the Sustainability of Power Supply and Demand」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 673
3 新穎鹼熱處理技術於生質物產氫與固碳 Innovative Alkaline Thermal Treatment for Biomass Conversion to H2 with Substantially Suppressed CO2 Formation 潘述元、高培棟、裴思魯、陳則綸、蔣本基 Shu-Yuan Pan, Peidong Gao, Si-Lu Pei, Tse-Lun Chen, Pen-Chi Chiang 1-9 1821
4 中寮地區電塔設施之致災地形區環境地質評估探討 Electrical Tower Site Safety Assessment by Using Environmental Geology Study - A Case in Zhongliao Area 翁勳政、謝德勇、邱欣瑜、徐玉杜 Tsun-Cheng Weng, Te-Yung Hsieh, Hsin-Yu Chiu, Yu-Du Hsu 11-25 1107
5 臺灣運輸部門、住宅部門及服務業部門能源需求 價格彈性推估 The Estimation of Price Elasticities of Energy Demand in Taiwan 郭春河、袁正達、柴蕙質、葛復光 Chun-Ho Kuo, Cheng-Da Yuan, Hui-Chih Chai, Fu-Kuang 27-45 1397
6 水側節能運用設計與探討 The Study of Water Side Energy Saving Design 吳旭聖、鄭秋南、李彥澄、顏維謀、蔡明宏 Hsi-Sheng Wu, hiu-Nan Cheng, en-Chen Lee, Wei-Mon Yan, ing-Hong Cai 47-61 3953
7 物聯網對商用建築節能措施之影響分析 Impact Analysis of Internet of Things on Energy Saving Measures of Commercial Buildings 許志義、謝志豪、陳志綸 Jyh-Yih Hsu, hih-Hao Hsieh, yh-Lun Chen 63-82 1606
8 生質航油之國際應用趨勢及研發現況 The Global Application of Aviation Biofuels and Its Technology Development 陳佳欣、郭家倫、趙裕、黃文松 Chia-Hsin Chen, Gia-Luen Guo, Yu Chao, Wen-Song Hwang 83-96 4717