


出刊日期:December, 2020 / 點閱數:4247次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 王人謙, 胡均立 Ren-Chain Wang, Jin-Li Hu A-0 335
2 「臺灣能源系統淨零排放之政策、技術與經濟分析」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Policy, Technology and Economic Analysis of Net Zero Emissions in Taiwan’s Energy System」 臺灣能源期刊編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 448
3 需量反應基準線設計 Demand Response Baseline Design 蔡昊廷、吳國賓、陳俊宇、梁佩芳 Hao-Ting Tsai, Gwo-Bin Wu, Chun-Yu Chen, Pei-Fang Liang 299-310 823
4 應用電發酵技術於農業廢棄物能資源化:回顧與展望 Application of Electrofermentation Technologies for Converting Agricultural Wastes into Biofuel and Bioresource: Retrospect and Prospect 林鴻政、潘述元、王柏翔 Hung-Cheng Lin, Shu-Yuan Pan, Po-Hsiang Wang 311-324 1012
5 我國太陽光電中長期之技術發展策略 The Strategy of Photovoltaics Technology Development in Mid- and Long-Term in Taiwan 黃郁青、陳治均 Yu-Ching Huang, Jyh-Jun Chen 325-344 1251
6 初探再生能源國家補貼之管制:以歐盟為借鏡 On the State Aid Control for Renewable Energy: Lessons from the EU 陳冠瑋 Kuan-Wei Chen 345-363 1168
7 論市場導向之綠電發展策略 On the Market-Oriented Green Power Development Strategies : Focus on Ancillary Service Markets 許志義、楊宗霖、蔡志祥、葉法明 Jyh-Yih Hsu, Tsung-Lin Yang, Chih-Hsiang Tsai, Fa-Ming Yeh 365-387 1267
8 國際獨立型電力系統調頻備轉技術規範之現況與未來發展 Current and Future Development of Frequency Regulation Service in International Independent Power Systems 吳國賓、吳進忠、蔡昊廷、陳俊宇、梁佩芳 Gwo-Bin Wu, Chin-Chung Wu, Hao-Ting Tsai, Chun-Yu Chen, Pei-Fang Liang 389-404 1898
9 儲能於再生能源整合運用趨勢與機會 Trends and Opportunities of Energy Storage in Renewable Energy Integration 楊宛蓉 Wan-Jung Yang 405-420 4886