


出刊日期:March, 2022 / 點閱數:6219次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 王人謙、胡均立 Ren-Chain Wang, Jin-Li Hu A-0 261
2 「國際淨零排放潮流下臺灣能源政策與產業發展」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Taiwan's Energy Policy and Industrial Development under the Trend of International Net Zero Emissions」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 371
3 國際碳邊境調整機制對臺灣減碳與經濟的影響 The Impacts of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on Taiwan’s Economy and Environment 蕭代基、黃琝琇、林師模、傅俞瑄 Daigee Shaw, Wen-Hsiu Huang, Shih-Mo Lin, Yu-Hsuan Fu 1-24 2192
4 國際地熱發展與我國法制借鏡 The International Geothermal Development Trend and the Reference of Our Country’s Legal System 林瑞珠、黃裕勛、沈政雄 Jui-Chu Lin, Yu-Hsun Huang, Chen-Hsiung Shen 25-44 1393
5 健全我國地熱發電法制及推動建議 Complementing the Legal Framework to Facilitate the Geothermal Power Development in Taiwan 林瑞珠、陳棋炫、沈政雄 Jui-Chu Lin, Chi-Hsuan Chen, Chen-Hsiung Shen 45-58 795
6 模糊田口法於永磁無刷馬達之多目標最佳化設計 Multi-Objective Optimization Design of a Permanent Magnet Brushless Motor Based on Integrated Fuzzy Logic and Taguchi Method 詹昇韋、謝振中 Sheng-Wei Zhan, Jenn-Jong Shieh 59-72 1607
7 利用逾限火炸藥製備衍生燃料之研究 Study on Preparation of Refuse-Derived Fuel Using Expired Explosives 楊琮貿、林國斌、李金樹、黃其清、陸開泰 Tsung-Mao Yang, Kao-Bin Lin, Jin-Shuh Li, Chyi-Ching Hwan, Kai-Tai Lu 73-87 410
8 綠能屋頂對於畜牧業經營之共效益分析:以雲林縣為例 Analyzing the Co-benefit of Solar Roof Panels in Livestock Production Systems: A Case of Yunlin County 陳俊愷、鍾秋悅 Chun-Kai Chen, Yessica C. Y. Chung 89-106 1261