


出刊日期:March, 2016

Scenario Modeling of Wind Power with Flow Battery System for Energy Storage Application in Taiwan
Chin-Lung Hsieh, Kan-Lin Hsueh, Yue-Lin Jhong, Chih-Yang Dai
大量使用化石能源造成能源供給過度集中,且價格波動性大,影響經濟發展,並惡化溫室效 應。因此穩定能源供應、永續能源發展與安全分散風險,必須推動能源多元化,其中發展替代化石 燃料之新及再生能源即是選項之一。隨著大型再生能源供電比例的提升,電網必須有相對應的電力 儲存技術與之結合,有效改善功率浮動問題與調配電力輸出。釩氧化還原液流電池儲電系統具有: 維護成本與環境影響低、安全性與擴充性高、容量大與壽命長等特性,獨立與彈性的功率及電量更 適合於各種規模的應用。目前這種電池儲電效率與能量密度偏低,發展作為大型儲電的適用性已逐 漸在改進成熟中。本文研究基載與風力發電整合供電、複合式電力儲存系統應用。以臺灣「日最大 用電需求量」進行電力儲存系統運行性評估。假設全臺灣風力發電量佔6%的總電力供應量下,降 低總基載供應量,而以風力發電搭配儲電以調節發電與實際需求之差異,進行臺灣所需的電力儲存 量情境分析。其中風力發電量是以參考現有大型風力發電機特性及新竹濱海風場為例進行估算。分 析結果為扣除臺灣現有抽蓄水力儲電量後仍需建置11.2 GWh的電力儲存系統,此系統是選用釩氧化 還原液流電池儲電系統,則場域佔地面積約需12.43公頃之規模。
Extensive consumption of fossil fuels cause excessive congestion of energy supplies and price volatility that usually affects economic growth, worsening the greenhouse effect, and even threatening to human life. Therefore, to have a stable energy supply, sustainable energy development, minimizing risk, one must promote energy diversification. The development of shifting a portion fossils fuels to new and renewable energy (photovoltaic and wind power) will be one of the options. When largely increasing the renewable energy, the renewable energy connected to the power grid must be coupled with corresponding energy storage technologies. This is not only effectively improving the power float problem but also can be more efficient management of power output capacity. Vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) has many unique characteristics as compared to the other energy storage systems, for example, low maintenance costs, low environmental impact, high safety, scalability, high capacity, and long life cycles. The power and capacity of VRFB is de-coupled. This makes the VRFB system design more flexible and suitable for various electricity storage applications. At present, this battery storage has low efficiency and low energy density. With continuous development for large-scale electricity storage. VRFB technology has been gradually improved. In this study, we appraise the requirement and solution of energy storage systems by considering base load power supplies, wind power, VRFB, and Taiwan daily electricity demand. The required storage capacity was estimated under the scenario that wind power were accounted for 6% of the total electricity supply in Taiwan. Wind power reduces the total amount of base load supply. Maximum daily demanded electricity was partially substituted with wind power. The power generated from wind turbines was calculated from the characteristics of existing large-scale wind power plants and from weather data in Hsinchu coastal area. Calculated results suggested that additional 11.2 GWh was needed from the battery besides existing pumped hydro storage capacity. If the VRFB was selected as the electric power storage systems, it requires 12.43 hectares of storage areas. The battery storage system has less environmental impact and land requirements than pumped hydro storage.
Redox flow battery, Computer modeling, Wind power, Grid energy storage