


出刊日期:September, 2019

Application of Carbon Dioxide Cleaning Technology in an Incineration Plant – Taking Air Condenser Cooler Fin Cleaning as an Example
Ching-Chih Su, Yen-Chih Wang, Jian-Hau Hung, Yu-Chih Chen
隨著臺灣各焚化廠設備逐漸老舊導致效能降低,以空氣冷凝器(ACC)為例,因長年在戶外導致其鰭片附著大量污染物,降低ACC熱交換效率,進而影響垃圾處理量與發電量。針對上述問題,傳統的清潔方式包括自來水清洗、化藥清洗及水刀清洗等,皆因有二次污染或可能對設備造成傷害,因此本文章將針對應用二氧化碳乾冰清洗焚化廠空氣冷凝器鰭片進行工法介紹與成效討論。在空氣冷凝器鰭片執行乾冰清洗後,垃圾處理量由原先的494 ton/day提升至614 ton/day,共提升24%;入汽機蒸汽產量由原先的65.4 ton/hr提升至73.7 ton/hr,共提升13%;發電量由原先的232.8 MWH提升至276.2 MWH,共提升19%,顯示乾冰清洗在此系統上能發揮具體效益。乾冰清洗在焚化廠的應用上,除空氣冷凝器的鰭片外,尚有爐管、汽輪發電機及空氣預熱器等設備皆能應用。
By considering the air-cooled condenser (ACC) as an example, we can observe that a large amount of pollutants are attached to the ACC fins because of long-term outdoor exposure, reducing the heat exchange efficiency of the ACC and affecting waste treatment and power generation because the performance of the equipment is observed to gradually decline at various incineration plants in Taiwan. To solve these problems, traditional cleaning methods, such as water cleaning, chemical cleaning, and water jet cleaning, can be used, which may damage the equipment by introducing secondary pollution. Therefore, this study will introduce methods and discuss their effectiveness with respect to the application of carbon dioxide dry ice cleaning on the ACC fins in the incineration plants. After subjecting the ACC fins to dry ice cleaning, the waste disposal amount increased from 494 to 614 ton/day, an increase of 24%; the steam production of the steam turbine increased from 65.4 to 73.7 ton/h, an increase of approximately 13%; and the power generation increased from 232.8 to 276.2 MWH, an increase of 19%. These observations indicated the application benefits of dry ice cleaning with respect to this system. In case of the incineration plants, there are other equipment that can be applied with dry ice cleaning in addition to the ACC fins, including the furnace tubes, steam turbine generators, and air preheaters.
Incineration plant, Air Condenser Cooler, Dry Ice Cleaning, Power generation, the amount of waste treated