


出刊日期:December, 2021

節能的多重效益 — 「新節電運動」經濟、環境與社會影響分析
Multiple Benefits of Energy Saving:The Economic, Environmental, and Social Effects of “New Electricity Saving Campaign”
蘇鈺雯 、林志勳、謝志強
Yu-Wen Su, Chih-Hsun Lin, Chin-Chiang Hsieh
節能政策的多重效益是站在宏觀的角度,考量不同的利益相關者的影響,而政府則負責各利益 相關者彼此間的溝通,以尋求支持並極大化政策總效益。本研究建構一分析工具,評估臺灣節能政 策的各種影響,包含經濟、環境與社會,共15項指標。2017年至2020年的「新節電運動」政府執行 經費投入約140.95億元,創造出46.11億度的節電量。根據本研究估計結果,補助類措施對於總體經 濟的國內影響約216.37億元,並增加臺灣20,667個就業機會,四年節電政策能舒緩電價上漲壓力約 10.8%,降低能源進口依存度0.0058%,帶動120.6%的節能家電市場成長,以及11.24億元的研究創 新投入。環境影響部分,用電效率提升1.7%,減少323千公秉油當量的化石燃料使用,相當於降低 2,241千公噸的溫室氣體排放,與1,789公噸空氣汙染排放物,同時減少政府2.29億元的環境保護支 出。社會影響上,每參與戶一年可節省能源成本約247元,每戶每年可支配所得受惠於政策而微幅 增加0.11%。透過量化的數據與標準化的分析流程,作為政府施政時面對利益相關者與社會大眾的 溝通依據。
The multiple benefits of energy-saving policies are based on a macro perspective considering the benefits of different stakeholders. The government is responsible for the communication between stakeholders to seek support and maximize the total benefits of the policy. An analytical tool was constructed in this study to evaluate various impacts of energy-saving policies in Taiwan, including economy, environment and society aspects, with a total of 15 indicators. For the “New Electricity Saving Campaign”, the government has invested 14.1 billion NTD from 2017 to 2020 creating 4.6 TWh of electricity savings. Estimated results indicated the domestic impact of subsidies on GDP was 21.6 billion, and 20,667 job opportunities were created. Moreover, the four-year campaign eased the pressure on electricity prices by 10.8%, reduced the dependence on energy imports by 0.0058%, drove the growth of the energy-efficient appliance market by 120.6%, and increased the investment of innovation by 1.1 billion. For environmental impacts, the electrical efficiency was improved by 1.7%, the use of fossil fuels was reduced by 322.8 mloe, the GHG emissions was reduced by 2,241 kton, and the air pollution emissions were also reduced by 1,789 ton. At the same time, the environmental protection expenditure of government was decreased by 229.5 million. For social impacts, each participating household saved 247 NTD in energy costs per year, and the annual disposable income per household was slightly increased by 0.11%.
multiple benefits, electricity saving, energy efficiency, policy analysis