


出刊日期:June, 2022

Analysis of Environmental Impact Factors of Carbon Reduction Technology : Carbon Capture and Storage
Chun-Yu Chen, Joey Lu, Hsiang-Jey Tseng
目前國際上較積極的CO2減量方式包括:(1)節約能源、(2)發展清潔替代能源及再生能源、(3) 碳捕存(Carbon capture and storage, CCS)技術的應用、以及(4)課徵碳稅。各種低碳技術如再生能源 (地熱能、風能、太陽能等)和碳捕存技術(CCS),成了國際上降低CO2之關鍵技術。我國有98%能源 來自於進口煤炭及天然氣,且擁有多座火力發電廠,尤其臺中火力發電廠目前為世界第四大的燃煤 火力發電廠,而二氧化碳排放量高居世界之冠。目前我國再生能源尚未能大幅度取代化石能源,因 此CCS技術勢必成為重要減碳技術。為了確保碳捕存技術能夠安全順利地開展,國際間多個國家均 已修訂及改善現行法規管理體系,以因應及符合該技術推動機制,藉此建立大眾對於CCS的認知與 安全、快速發展有利的減碳環境。本研究主要蒐集美國、英國及日本提出之CCS環境監測機制,環 境衝擊項目包括大氣資源、地質資源、地表(下)水資源、文化資源、景觀資源、土地利用、廢棄物 管理、人類健康和安全、社會經濟等項目進行評估。另也剖析美國FutureGen 2.0計畫之環評案例所 進行廣泛的環境調查資訊。最後,就上述國際資訊依國內環境影響評估法範疇界定規定之環境衝擊 評估項目作一綜整分析,包括地形、地質及土壤、水文及水質、氣象及空氣品質、噪音及振動、廢 棄物、能源與溫室氣體排放、生態系統、土地使用、交通與運輸、公用事業、景觀、社會環境、地 震危害及風險評估等項目,期許本研究所提出之成果可讓主管機關及業者參考,以及因臺灣位於地 震帶,也希望本文的相關地震危害及風險評估分析標準,能發展出有效的對策,以解答民眾的擔憂 與疑惑,共同進一步發展國內之碳捕存技術,往2050年淨零碳排的目標邁進。
At present, the more active ways to reduce CO2 in the world include: (1) energy conservation, (2) development of clean alternative energy and renewable energy, (3) application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, and (4) levy of carbon taxes. Various low-carbon technologies such as renewable energy (geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy, etc.) and carbon storage technology (CCS) have become key technologies for reducing CO2 internationally. 98% of our energy comes from imported coal and natural gas, and we have a number of thermal power plants. The Taichung thermal power plant is the world’s largest coal-fired power plant, and its carbon dioxide emissions are also the largest in the world. At present, Taiwan's renewable energy has not been able to substantially replace fossil energy, so CCS technology is an important carbon reduction technology. In order to ensure the safe and smooth development of low-carbon technology, many countries in the world have revised and improved the current regulatory system to respond to and comply with the low-carbon technology promotion mechanism, so as to establish the public's awareness of low-carbon technology and the safety and speed Develop a favorable carbon reduction environment. This research mainly collects suggestions on environmental monitoring mechanisms proposed by the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. Environmental impact items include atmospheric resources, geological resources, surface water resources, cultural resources, landscape resources, land use, waste management, human health and safety, and society. Economic and other items are evaluated. In addition, it also analyzes the extensive environmental survey information carried out in the EIA case of the FutureGen 2.0 project in the United States. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact assessment items required by the above-mentioned international information in accordance with the scope of the domestic environmental impact assessment law, including topography, geology and soil, hydrology and water quality, weather and air quality, noise and vibration, waste, and energy Projects related to greenhouse gas emissions, ecosystems, land use, traffic and transportation, public utilities, landscape, social environment, seismic hazard and risk assessment etc.. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used for reference by competent authorities and industries. Since Taiwan is located in an earthquake zone, it is also hoped that the relevant seismic hazard and risk assessment analysis standards in this paper can develop effective countermeasures to answer the public’s concerns and doubts. Together to further develop domestic carbon capture technology and move towards the goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
carbon capture and storage (CCS), Environmental impact factor, the law of environmental impact assessment