


出刊日期:December, 2022

An Analysis of Taiwan’s Hydrogen Policies, Laws and Standards
I-Hua Wei
受工業革命影響,全球大量使用化石能源情形下,產生數以萬計二氧化碳(CO2),造成地球環 境顯著的暖化現象。從1997年的京都議定書至巴黎協議,皆在商議削減CO2減量,近年各主要國家 相繼提出2050年淨零碳排承諾,以紓解溫室效應對環境之衝擊,主要以應用再生能源來達到此目標 外,具多樣性來源、清潔無毒與無碳排等優點之氫能也開始在推動國家能源轉型上被寄予厚望,逐 漸被各國作為減碳發展的重要手段之一,根據國際能源署(International Energy Agency, IEA)資料, 目前全球已有包含日本、中國大陸、歐盟、德國、法國、澳洲與韓國在內等16個國家及地區皆已提 出國家氫能發展戰略,相繼投入大量資源進行氫能相關技術研發及推廣,並設定明確發展目標,以 達到淨零碳排的最終目標。臺灣亦不例外,在今(2022)年3月30日公布的臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策 略總說明(國家發展委員會等單位,2022)中,也將氫能納入製造部門的產業轉型措施之一,導入氫 能發電,燃氣CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage)等。在此定位下,如何掌握大量而且穩 定的低碳或零碳氫氣供應來源,將成為氫能產業的發展關鍵。因此,本研究目的係研析臺灣發展氫 能環境之相關政策、法規與標準適用性,以因應臺灣未來發展氫能之需求。
Since the Industrial Revolution, fossil energy has been widely used by countries around the world. The consumption of fossil energy produces enormous volumes of CO2 each year and results in the global warming. Both of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015 are signed with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions. In recent years, major countries have announced their pathways to net-zero emissions by 2050 in the hope of averting the impacts of greenhouse effect on the environment. The application of renewable energy is viewed as a crucial approach to the goal. Hydrogen is also given great expectations and adopted as an important method by countries in their process of energy transition due to its advantages of being clean, non-toxic and carbon-free and the fact that it could be produced from numerous sources. According to IEA, currently more than 16 countries, including Japan, China, the EU, Germany, France, Australia and South Korea, have announced their hydrogen strategies. They started to make large investments and deploy substantial resources in the R&D and promotion of hydrogen technology. They also set clear and definite targets in order to achieve the goal of net zero emissions. Taiwan is no exception. On March 30, 2022, the Taiwanese government announced “Taiwan's Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050,” in which hydrogen is listed as one of measures for the industry transition of manufacturing sector. Hydrogen power generation and CCUS technology would be introduced and applied. In this context, how to build and maintain an abundant and steady supply source of low-carbon or zero-carbon hydrogen would be critical to the development of hydrogen industry. Thus, this study aims to explore Taiwan’s hydrogen policies and the applicability of hydrogen-related laws and standards to pave the way for Taiwan’s hydrogen economy.
hydrogen, Greenhouse Gas (GHG), net zero emissions, policy, law, standard.