


出刊日期:December, 2023

Analysis of Aggregator’s Electric Bus-to-Grid (B2G) Business Model
Sheng-Yueh Chen, Hsu, Jyh-Yih
近年來我國在能源政策上大力推動能源轉型,提高再生能源發電佔比。而再生能源之不可預 測性與不穩定性,為能源轉型及電網帶來考驗。此外,政府在環保政策上,亦透過實質補助,鼓勵 客運業者汰除柴油巴士換購電動巴士,以達成降低碳排放之目標。電動巴士除了可降低交通運具造 成的碳排外,亦可透過參與B2G與再生能源相輔相成,以強化電網之韌性。本研究以「商業畫布」 為研究架構主體,參考相關研究文獻,羅列出 B2G (Bus-to-Grid)商業模式之相關的利害關係人。本 研究為求完善,亦以「PESTLE」分析,針對臺灣發展B2G商業模式所面臨的外在環境因素進行探 討。經本研究探討後得出結論,以聚合商為主的B2G商業模式,參與電力交易市場中「即時備轉服 務」、「補充備轉服務」二項,及「備用容量市場」中的「需量反應」,適合為B2G商業模式之獲 利來源。在外部環境因素上,政府政策的支持、傳統發電成本的不斷上漲…等,對B2G都是有正面 的助益。
In recent years, Taiwan government has vigorously promoted energy transformation in terms of energy policy and increased the proportion of renewable energy power generation. The unpredictability and instability of renewable energy have brought challenges to energy transformation and power grids. In addition, in terms of environmental protection policies, the government also encourages passenger transport operators to replace diesel buses with electric buses through substantive subsidies to achieve the goal of reducing carbon emissions. In addition to reducing the carbon emissions caused by transportation, electric buses can also complement each other with renewable energy by participating in B2G to strengthen the resilience of the power grid. This study takes the “Business Canvas” as the main body of the research framework, refers to relevant research literature, and lists the relevant stakeholders of the B2G (Bus-to-Grid) business model. In order to complete the research, this study also uses “PESTLE” analysis to discuss the external environmental factors faced by Taiwan’s B2G business model development. After discussion in this study, it is concluded that the B2G business model dominated by aggregators participates in the “Spinning Reserve Service”, “Supplemental Reserve service” and “Demand Response” in the electricity trading market is suitable as a source of profit for the B2G business model. In terms of external environmental factors, the support of government policies, the rising cost of traditional power generation, etc., all have positive benefits for B2G.
B2G, Aggregator, Business canvas, Stakeholders