


出刊日期:September, 2024

以調查、訪談及離散選擇實驗探討能源效率標示 資訊設計與公開管道
Exploring the Design and Communication Channels of Energy Efficiency Labels through Surveys, Interviews, and Discrete Choice Experiments
許雅勛 林志勳 謝志強
Ya-Syun Syu, Chih-Hsun Lin, Chin-Chiang Hsieh
臺灣自2009年起依能源管理法,推行強制性能源效率標示,目前臺灣以溫度計標示能效分級, 並提供產品每年耗電量(度)、有效內容積、及能源因數值等資訊,但能效標示是否能有效傳達產品 信息給消費者,又能否影響消費者的購買決策則不得而知。因此,為協助設計者設計出更符合消費 者認知及直覺的能效標示,本研究先透過問卷調查及焦點訪談,瞭解民眾購買電器的決策依據、對 於能效標示的資訊認知及認識管道;再以離散選擇實驗的方式,瞭解民眾對能效標示的資訊偏好, 期望藉由深入探討能效標示資訊的呈現方式,研提未來標示的設計建議,以促進民眾能透過對標示 資訊的認識,選出符合需求的高效能電器。研究結果發現:首先,民眾利用網路搜尋產品資訊及網 路購物的比重較實體高;其次,民眾對於能效標示資訊的認知,偏重於能耗量及能效等級,其餘資 訊對他們的購買決策並沒有影響;最後,民眾期望能效標示在未來的設計上,能做到幾點:(1)能效 標示上的功能參數難以理解,建議簡化資訊。針對較複雜的內容(如功能參數),改以QRcode方式提 供;(2)相較以金額為耗能成本的單位,民眾更為偏好既有且熟悉的單位kWh;(3)基於成本平攤, 希望能增加提供產品壽命資訊;(4)為避免影響鄰里希望增加產品噪音資訊;(5)考量節約能資源因 素,提供產品容量及用水量等資訊。
Since 2009, Taiwan has implemented mandatory energy efficiency labeling under the Energy Management Act. Currently, energy efficiency is labeled using a thermometer scale, providing information on annual energy consumption (kWh), effective capacity, and energy factor values. However, it is still being determined whether energy efficiency labels effectively provide information to consumers and affect their purchasing decisions. To assist designers in creating energy-efficiency labels that consumers can easily understand. This study conducts surveys and focus group interviews to understand consumers' decisionmaking basis for purchasing appliances, as well as their cognition and channels for information about energy-efficiency labels. Also, a discrete choice experiment is used to explore consumers' preferences for the informational content of energy-efficiency labels. The study aims to provide design recommendations for future labels, which can help the consumer select high-efficiency appliances that meet their needs by reading labels. The findings reveal the following: First, consumers gather information and purchase appliances more from online stores than physical stores. Second, consumers focused on energy consumption and efficiency ratings, rather than others information on energy-efficiency label when decision-making for purchasing. Lastly, consumers have the following expectations for the future design of energy efficiency labels: (1) The technical parameters on the labels are too complex to understand. We recommend simplifying the information by using QR codes to provide it. (2) Consumers prefer kWh as an energy-consumption unit more than a cost-based one. (3) Product lifespan information should be included to facilitate consumers considering cost-sharing. (4) Consumers hope labels can provide the noise level to avoid disturbing the neighborhood when using appliances. (5) Considering resource conservation, information on product capacity should be offered.
Energy-Efficiency Label, Product Lifespan, Ecodesign, Behavioral Economics, Discrete Choice Experiment