


出刊日期:June, 2016 / 點閱數:5122次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總 編 輯 的 話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖 Yie-Zu Hu A-0 584
2 永續低碳能源專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Sustainable Low Carbon Energy」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Journal of Taiwan Energy, Editorial Department A-1 702
3 COP21後對我國的影響與可能的因應 After COP21, the Impact and Might Response of Taiwan 胡瑋元、蔡翼澤、陳中舜、洪煥仁、楊珍鈐 Wei-Yuan Hu, Yi-Tze Tsai, Jong-Shun Chen, Huan-Ren Hung, Jhen-Cian Yang 127-135 2834
4 電力需求面管理與用戶群代表法制革新:先進國家案例及其對臺灣之政策意涵 Institutional Reform of Electricity Demand Side Management and the Role of Aggregator : Cases of Advanced Countries and Policy Implications to Taiwan 許志義、洪穎正 Jyh-Yih Hsu, Ying-Cheng Hung 137-153 4948
5 太陽能集熱板碳黑吸收膜之最佳化噴塗製程參數研究 Parametric Study on Spray Coating Process for Selective Absorbing Film of Solar Collector 劉名育、謝宗旻、張克勤、劉怡眉 Ming-Yu Liu, Tsung-Min Hsieh, Keh-Chin Chang, Yi-Mei Liu 155-174 1620
6 我國中部地區發展分散式氣態生質能之潛力 Potential Study for Developing Distributed Bio-gaseous Energy Plant in Central Taiwan 林秋裕、賴奇厚、楊鎮源、蔡皓安、賴美蓉 Chiu-Yue Lin, Chyi-How Lay, Zhen-Yuan Yang, Hao-An Cai, Mei-Jung Lai 175-192 4190
7 電力設施地質環境之災害潛勢評估探討 Case Studies of Geological Hazard Assessments for Electric Power Facilities Located in Hazard-prone Areas 翁勳政、郭泰融、謝德勇、徐玉杜 Tsun-Cheng Weng, Tai-Rong Guo, Te-Yung Hsieh, Yu-Du Hsu 193-202 1565
8 能源環境稅對總體經濟與電力需求之影響 The Influence Evaluate of Energy Tax on Economy and Energy Demand 張哲維、游政哲、陳冠堯、楊晴雯 Che-Wei Chang, Cheng-Che Yu, Kuan-Yao Chen, Chin-Wen Yang 203-216 2732
9 我國節能技術服務產業現況與發展規劃分析 The Industry Survey of Energy Service Companies and Development Planning Analysis 葉立仁、鄭鎮樑、陳馨蕙、陳宏瑋 Li-Jen Yeh, Chen-Liang Cheng, Shin-Hui Chen, Hong-Wei Chen 217-238 3799