


出刊日期:March, 2017 / 點閱數:6727次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總 編 輯 的 話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖 Yie-Zu HU A-0 762
2 「綠色經濟與能源安全」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Green Economy and Energy Security」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Journal of Taiwan Energy, Editorial Department B-0 766
3 歐盟能源政策之社會溝通與公眾參與:參與式治理的觀點 The Social Communication and Public Engagement of EU Energy Policy: the Perspective of Participatory Governance 林子倫、李宜卿 Tze-Luen Lin, Yi-Ching Lee 1-16 3534
4 北美重要電力市場的系統操作規則 System Operating Rules of Major Electricity Markets in North America 吳元康、賴重瑀、謝廷彥、詹博雄 Yuan-Kang Wu, Chung-Yu Lai, Ting-Yen Hsieh, Bo-Shiung Jan 17-44 4536
5 利用TIMES模型進行我國電網級儲能分析 Grid-Level Energy Storage System Analysis in Taiwan Simulation Using TIMES Model 黃郁青、陳治均、葛復光 Yu-Ching Huang, Jyh-Jun Chen, Fu-Kung Ko 45-58 2164
6 單歧管太陽能集熱板效率實驗研究 Experimental Study on Performance of Single-Fin Solar Collector 曾國哲、張克勤 Kuo-Che Tseng, Keh-Chin Chang 59-75 1083
7 臺灣木質生質料氣化反應與合成氣重整反應結合 固態燃料電池之研究 Gasification and Syngas Reforming of Lignin Biomasses in Taiwan for SOFC Applications 韋文誠、張源開、陳冠宇、張慶源 Wen-Cheng J. Wei, Un-Hoi Cheong, Kuan-Yu Cheng, Ching-Yuan Chang 77-92 2529
8 臺灣都市固體廢棄物之發電與經濟效益潛勢 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Incineration’s Potential Contribution to Electricity Production and Economic Revenue in Taiwan 陳映竹、王仲廷 Ying-Chu Chen, Chung-Ting Wang 93-106 4732
9 工業用耗能產品自願性節能認證探討 Study on the Energy Conservation Certification of Voluntary of Industrial Consuming Product 鄒金台 Chin-Tai Chou 107-129 2893