


出刊日期:June, 2018 / 點閱數:4634次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖、胡鈞立 Yie-Zu Hu, Jin-Li, Hu A-0 623
2 「電力供需永續之研究」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Study on the Sustainability of Power Supply and Demand」 臺灣能源期刊編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 512
3 雙饋感應發電機之諧波電流與不平衡電流整合控制系統研製 Implement of the Integrated Harmonic Current and Unbalanced Currents Control System for DFIG 陳宗柏 Tsung-Po Chen 97-111 2144
4 微電網電力調度與彈性恢復控制設計 Design of Power Dispatch and Resilient Control for Microgrid 李奕德、姜政綸、林世維、詹振旻、孫士文、張永瑞 Yih-Der Lee, Jheng-Lun Jiang, Shih-Wei Lin, Chen-Min Chan, Shyh-Wern Sun, Yung-Ruei Chang 113-135 3522
5 多元能源風險評估方法論整合與應用 Application of an Integrated Multi-Energy Risk Assessment Methodology 張耀仁、黃孔良、韓佳佑、馮君強、柴蕙質、葛復光 Yao-Jen Chang, Kong-Liang Hunag, Chia-Yu Han, Chun-Chiang Feng, Hui-Chih Chai, Fu-Kuang Ko 137-160 1365
6 我國再生能源年發電量的評估與機率分布研究 The Assessment on Annual Power Generation and Probability Distributions of Renewable Energy in Taiwan 蕭子訓、黃孔良、葛復光 Tzu-Hsun Hsiao, Kong-Liang Huang, Fu-Kuang Ko 161-183 4241
7 可隨插即用之救災型再生能源微電網 A Microgrid of Renewable Energy with Plug and Play Capability for Disaster Rescue 游原昌、徐献星、鄭宗杰. Yuan-Chang Yu, Shian-Shing Shyu, Tsung-Chieh Cheng 185-198 1669