


出刊日期:December, 2018 / 點閱數:4408次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖、胡均立 Yie-Zu Hu, Jin-Li Hu A-0 433
2 高占比再生能源對電網影響初論 A Discussion of How High Penetration Renewable Energy Makes Impacts on Power Grid 沈柏丞、張嘉諳、許文華、張嘉舫 Bo-Cheng Shen, Chia-An Chang, Wen-Hua Hsu, Chia-Fang Chang 299-314 3473
3 推動智慧電表布建所需之資訊安全與隱私保護規範 A Legal Framework of Information Security and Privacy Protection for Smart Meters 林瑞珠、朱丹丹 Jui-Chu Lin, Dan-Dan Zhu 315-330 1801
4 我國電力市場永續發展之第二階段轉型改革研究 The Study on the Second Stage Reform of Sustainable Development of Taiwan’s Electricity Market 王京明、陳中舜 King-Min Wang, Jong-Shun Chen 331-350 2843
5 我國住宅部門電力消費關鍵影響因素分析 Determinants of Electricity Consumption in Taiwan’s Residential Sector - A Decomposition Analysis 黃韻勳 Yun-Hsun Huang 351-365 2406
6 我國能源轉型對電價與縣市產業之衝擊 The Impacts of Energy Transition on Domestic Electricity Price and County/Industrial Sectors in Taiwan 卓金和、楊浩彥、陳中舜、張耀仁、洪紹平 Chin-Ho Cho, Hao-Yen Yang, Jong-Shun Chen, Yao-Jen Chang, Shau-Pin Hung 367-393 3514
7 動態迴歸模型於短期區域電力負載預測之研究 A Study of Short-term Regional Power Load Forecasting By Dynamic Regression Models 李宜馨、陳彥銘、李明峯  Yi-Hsin Li, Yen-Ming Chen, Ming-Feng Lee 395-406 2751
8 用戶電能資料驅動服務之國際趨勢與發展方向 The International Trend and Development of Low-Voltage User Data Value-Added Services 蔡家緯、洪永杰、蔣貴君、趙寬居 Chia-Wei Tsai, Yung-Chieh Hung, Kuei-Chun Chiang, Kuan-Chu Chao 407-428 1671