


出刊日期:December, 2018

A Legal Framework of Information Security and Privacy Protection for Smart Meters
Jui-Chu Lin, Dan-Dan Zhu
為實現「廢核」、「減碳」目標,要如何維持經濟發展所需的穩定電力供應,是一個重要的難題;對此,部分能源利用之先進國家開始布局「智慧電網」,藉由電力需求面的資料分析,調度尖峰負載,例如美國已經發展成熟的「綠色按鈕」服務、歐盟正在倡導的「我的能源資料」服務,均是從能源用戶需求面進行電力管理(亦稱為「需量反應」)。我國亦自2012年開始積極建置智慧電網,並開始規劃智慧電表之安裝,其所涉及具「敏感性」之用戶能源資料(特別是透過智慧電表蒐集之「智慧計量資料(smart metering data)」)處理,是否應當設有相關規範?此將成為智慧電網布建之基本問題。隨著,歐盟個人資料保護規則(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)於2018年5月生效,歐盟各成員國亦隨之調整;未設立於歐盟成員國境內,但與歐盟市場有往來之企業亦會受GDPR之拘束。基此,本文透過分析奧地利、德國針對智慧電表安裝所涉及之資訊安全與隱私保護規範,以及介紹歐盟GDPR對能源資料之適用,以作為推動我國智慧電網布局之法制規範建議。
This article intends to propose a framework on information security and privacy protection for smart meters. The dilemma emerges to maintain a stable and abundant power supply for the development of economy, while to achieve the goal of eliminating nuclear energy and reducing carbon emission. In this regard, some advanced countries have begun to deploy “smart grids”, in order to dispatch peak loads by analyzing data on the demand side of electricity. For example, “Green Button” in the US and “My Energy Data” in European Union (EU) are power management services from the energy user demand side (also named as “Demand Response Management”). Since 2012, Taiwan has actively developed smart grids and started to plan the installation of smart meters. However, the user's energy information (especially for the “smart metering data” collected by the smart meter) is the “sensitive” personal data. Whether it need to be regulated will be the core issue of smart grid deployment and privacy protection. As the EU Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has entered into force since May 2018, EU members have also adjusted their regulations accordingly. In this article, we will discuss the implemented laws on information security and privacy protection for smart meter installation in Austria and Germany, and further provide suggestions of EU GDPR to energy data as a legal norm to promote a layout of smart grids in Taiwan.
Smart Grids, Smart Meters, GDPR, Information Security, Privacy Protection