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出刊日期:December, 2019
- 題目
- 資訊策略與家庭用戶的節電行為:基於智慧電錶的資訊回饋,以雙北公宅用戶為例
- Title
- The Effect of Information Strategy on the Electricity-Saving Behavior of Households: An Empirical Analysis of Information Feedback to Public Housing in Taipei and New Taipei Cities
- 作者
- 林容璟,蔡宗霖,蔡宗成,洪德芳,林志勳
- Authors
- Jung-Ching Lin,Tsung-Lin Tsai,Tzung-Cheng Tsai, Der-Fang Hung,Chih-Hsun Lin
- 摘要
- 因應全球節能減碳趨勢,家庭用戶成為節電措施推行的主要對象。受限於資訊的可得性及人的有限理性,家庭用戶在節電決策上面臨內外部因素所引起的資訊不對稱,影響節電行為發生,限縮了節電的成果。資訊策略中,資訊回饋的應用不僅能提供家庭用戶電力消費資訊,更能有效地傳遞資訊內容的意涵,降低民眾在節電決策制定上所面臨的資訊不對稱情況,增加家庭節電行為發生的可能性。為瞭解資訊策略中資訊回饋的應用,本研究問題為:一、電力消費資訊的提供是否能有效協助家庭節電行為發生?二、哪些電力消費資訊對家庭節電決策具有重要性?本研究先透過實驗設計,對具有智慧電錶及用戶端整合服務的雙北公宅用戶與一般傳統電錶的家庭用戶,進行空調的使用行為比較,實證結果顯示,基於智慧電錶的資訊回饋對家庭用戶的夏季空調的日總台時,有負向顯著影響。搭配雙北公宅用戶的問卷調查,家庭年收入60萬以上者,認為群體節電表現框架對其節電決策具有重要性;教育程度為大學以下者,認為節電表現透過宗教宣導框架的應用對其節電決策具有重要性;受損失趨避心理的影響,負向前景的框架內容對家庭節電決策具有重要性。整體而言,基於智慧電錶的資訊回饋應用將有助於降低資訊取得成本,消弭資訊不對稱的情況,強化家庭節電行為的出現。
- 關鍵字
- 資訊回饋,資訊不對稱,節電行為,框架效應
- Abatract
- In electricity saving field, households has been identified as an important target group for energy saving and carbon reduction in global. Due to information-limited accessibility and bounded rationality, the information asymmetry results in the challenges of electricity saving decisions for households and demarcates their performance of electricity saving. The application of information feedback, one of the information strategies, not only provides the better quality of electricity consumption but also delivers the rich implication of electricity consumption. Both of them can improve the information asymmetry in households’ electricity saving decision and increase the possibility of electricity-saving behavior. For exploring the effectiveness of information feedback on the households’ electricity-saving decisions, there are two research questions in the study: (1) does the information feedback of electricity consumption play an effective way for the households’ electricity-saving behavior? (2) what kind of information of electricity consumption is critical to households’ electricity-saving decision? The study adopts the experimental design to compare the air-conditioning use behavior in the summer season between the public housing with smart meters and in-home display (IHD) and general households without smart meters and IHD. The results of multiple regression models showed that the smart meters and IHD have a significantly negative effect on total-daily-using hours of air conditioning in the summer season. Moreover, the study designs the questionnaire to clarify the effect of electricity consumption information feedback by different framings for a household’s electricity-saving decision. The study found that the framing of group electricity-saving comparison is critical to the households with higher annual income. The decision relevance of religious propaganda framing is vary with different education level of households. Due to the effect of loss aversion, the households prefer the information with the negative prospect in their electricity-saving decisions. In summary, the application of information feedback can help households to reduce information cost, to improve information asymmetry in electricity-saving decisions, and to increase the possibility of their electricity-saving behaviors.
- Keywords
- information feedback, information asymmetry, electricity saving behavior, framing effect