


出刊日期:December, 2021

The Effects of Offshore Wind Power Promotion to Net-Zero Emissions in Taiwan
Chih-Yu Hsu, Chiang-Liang Lin
近年來氣候變遷議題受到各國政府與企業重視,紛紛提出減碳目標及落實的具體作法,已有 128個國家宣示加入2050年淨零碳排,蘋果、微軟等國際大型企業也宣布建立碳中和或負排碳的供 應鏈與產品。臺灣雖於2015年訂定溫管法,為因應國際淨零碳排趨勢,2021年蔡總統在出席「永 續。地球解方-2021設計行動高峰會」時表示(總統府,2021),政府正積極部署在2050年達到淨零 排放目標的可能路徑,除了穩定推動中的能源轉型,包括製造、運輸、住宅、農業等部門,也必 須提出系統性的減碳策略,目前能源轉型規劃2025年再生能源發電占比20%,燃煤與其他30%,燃 氣50%之配比,同時搭配核一、核二及核三不採行延役且核四封存等作法,積極推動再生能源的設 置,其中又以太陽光電20 GW及離岸風電5.7 GW最為重要,臺灣地區風力資源非常豐富,臺灣海 峽、西部沿海與澎湖離島等深具發電潛力,離岸風電的推動不僅對減碳能發揮綜效,亦能帶動離岸 風電產業的發展,以建構產業供應鏈增加臺灣經濟成長動能與綠色競爭力,因此,探討離岸風電的 推動與預期成長,對臺灣後續達成2050年淨零碳排的策略擬定與路徑規劃將有其助益。
In recent years, the issue of climate change has attracted the attention of governments and enterprises all over the world. They have put forward the goal of decarbonization and the specific measures to implement them. 128 countries have announced to join the 2050 net zero carbon emissions. Large international enterprises such as Apple and Microsoft have also announced the establishment of carbon neutral or negative carbon emission supply chains and products. Although Taiwan enacted the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act in 2015, in response to the international trend of net zero carbon emission, the government also started to evaluate and plan the possible path for Taiwan to achieve the net zero emission target by 2050 in 2021. In addition to steadily promoting the established energy policies, including manufacturing, transportation, housing, agriculture and other departments, it is also necessary to put forward systemic decarbonization strategies. The current energy transition plan for power generation, renewable energy, coal and others, and gas accounts for 20%, 30% and 50% respectively. Simultaneously, in combination with the decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plant No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 and the storage of Nuclear Power Plant No. 4, actively promote the installation of renewable energy. Among these installation, solar photovoltaic 20GW and offshore wind power 5.7GW are the most important. Taiwan is very rich for wind power generation in the Taiwan Strait, western coast and Penghu Islands. The promotion of offshore wind power can not only play a comprehensive effect for carbon reduction, but also drive the development of offshore wind power industry, so as to build an industrial supply chain and increase Taiwan's economic growth momentum and green competitiveness. Therefore, discussing the promotion and expected growth of offshore wind power will be helpful to Taiwan's sustainable strategy formulation and path planning to achieve net zero carbon emission in 2050.
Offshore wind power,Net-zero emissions,Energy policy