


出刊日期:September, 2016 / 點閱數:5328次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖 Yie-Zu Hu A-0 617
2 能源稅之稅收分配效率與雙重紅利效果 The Impact of Energy Tax on the Allocative Efficiency of Tax Revenue and Double Dividend 林幸樺、彭開瓊、蘇漢邦 Hsing-Hua Lin, Kai-Chiung Peng, Han-Pang Su 239-258 2795
3 以KAYA恆等式分析我國2025年減碳目標之能源 結構策略可行性 Future Energy Structure in Taiwan and the 2025 CO2 Emissions Target- Scenario Analysis Based on Kaya Identity 張志瑋、葛復光、柴蕙質、吳雨寰 Chih-Wei Chang, Fu-Kuang Ko, Hui-Chih Chai, Yu-Huan Wu 259-275 2303
4 臺灣火力發電健康衝擊外部成本分析 Analysis of External Cost of Health Impact for Taiwan Power Plants 廖孟儀、馬鴻文、李孟穎、洪明龍、李沛濠 Meng-I Liao, Hwong-Wen Ma, Meng-Ying Lee, Ming-Lung Hung, Pei-Hao Li 277-292 9009
5 臺灣能源密集度變化趨勢分析-多層級因素 分解應用 Taiwan's Changing Energy Intensity Trend - A Multilevel Index Decomposition Analysis 洪瑋嶸、葛復光 Wei-Hong Hong, Fu-Kuang Ko 293-310 2973
6 綠色校園智慧節能系統之成本效益分析:中興大學 畜產試驗所案例 Cost Benefit Analysis of Smart Energy Saving System in Green Campus: The Case of Livestock Research Field of National Chung-Hsing University 許志義、鄭彙齡、鄧蓉 Jyh-Yih Hsu, Hwei-Ling Cheng, Jung Deng 311-327 990
7 能源效率標準之成本與效益評估:以電冰箱為例 Cost and Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficiency Standard Policy: The Case of Refrigerator 林師模、林晉勗、邱駿朋 Shih-Mo Lin, Jin-Xu Lin, Chun-Peng Chiu 329-344 1949
8 臺南區商辦建物之窗牆比與窗玻特性對整體節能 效率的影響 The Effect of Window- to-Wall Ratio and the Glazing on the Total Energy Efficiency of A Commercial Building in Tainan 陳恩仕、蔡明瑞、蔡丁貴 En-Shih Chen, Ming-Jui Tsai, Ding-Guey Tsai 345-356 1526