


出刊日期:December, 2017 / 點閱數:5233次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖 Yie-Zu Hu A-0 645
2 我國能源脆弱度分析與因應策略建議 The Study of Energy Vulnerability Indicators in Taiwan and Strategy Suggestions 梁啟源、劉致峻、鄭睿合、呂易恂、郭博堯 Chi-Yuan Liang, Chih-Chun Liu, Ruei-He Jheng, Yi-Hsun Lu, Po-Yao Kuo 361-400 2576
3 太陽光電年發電量預測模型建置及策略研究 A Model for Forecasting of Solar Power Annual Electricity and Its Strategy Application 蕭子訓、黃孔良、張耀仁 Tzu-Hsun Hsiao, Kong-Liang Huang, Yao-Jen Chang 401-430 11057
4 高速高功率永磁馬達驅動與節能關鍵技術開發和應用 Development and Application of A Crucial Energy Saving Technology on High Speed and High Power Permanent Magnet Motor Drive 范家瑞、陳浩瑋、黃振瑋、王建昌 Chia-Juei Fan, Hao-Wei Chen, Zhen-Wei Huang, Chien-Chang Wang 431-444 8939
5 我國高占比再生能源倂網之因應參考策略:以日本大型改善設備系統技術分析為例 Strategy for the High-penetration Renewable Energy Grid-connected in Taiwan : An Example of Analysis of Technology for Large-scale Improved Equipment System in Japan 盧恆究、陳竑廷、黃永福 Heng-Jiu Lu, Hong-Ting Chen, Yung-Fu Huang 445-463 2292
6 強制性能源效率分級政策的成效—以冷氣機產品為例 The Effectiveness of Compulsory Energy Efficiency Rating Policy—The Case of Air-conditioners in Taiwan 林玲如、劉錦龍 Ling-Ju Lin, Jin-Long Liu 465-487 3956